
Agustus 06, 2017
NOTE: This is an older posting I started a twosome of years agone as well as only right away completed.

Bad things volition laissez passer on inwards your life , unless y'all are actually , actually lucky.   For most of us inwards the USA , such setbacks are pretty nipper compared to the residue of the world.

The other twenty-four hours , I had a fiscal setback that terms me a few thou dollars.   I miscalculated a filing fee on behalf of a customer , as well as I may hold out on the claw for the difference.   It was disheartening , but educational.  And yea , it was depressing.   How could I brand such a stupid mistake?

But similar anything else , it is to hold out expected that y'all volition experience setbacks inwards life.   Your stock portfolio volition tank.   Your menage may become downwardly inwards value.  You probable volition instruct into a motorcar wreck sometime inwards your life (on average , every xi years).   You volition instruct sick as well as lead maintain a infirmary bill.

And of course of instruction , y'all eventually volition instruct quondam , infirm , as well as DIE.   Yea , that.

But every bit nasty every bit all of that sounds , hither inwards America , nosotros lead maintain it pretty well.   Yea , y'all mightiness instruct sick as well as lead maintain huge infirmary bills (maybe non as well as then much , anymore nether Obamacare) as well as lead maintain to declare bankruptcy.   But on the other mitt , y'all lead maintain access to some of the best medical help inwards the world.

(Attention haters:  No , I don't desire to listen how medical help is improve inwards Sweden or Canada.   We're talking the WORLD here.  We are really lucky).

But 1 time again , people don't similar to listen this.  They desire to wallow inwards their ain misery , as well as human activeness every bit victims.   No 1 could expect to become far a motorcar wreck , right?    Even though on average , y'all volition become far at to the lowest degree a modest accident every xi years or so. 

And getting sick?  How could y'all predict that , given America's diet as well as exercise program?   It is all as well as then unfair!  I am existence sarcastic , of course.

Sound fiscal planning includes planning for the unexpected , as well as that way expecting setbacks as well as difficulties inwards your life.

You may instruct seat off from a job.   In fact , I suspect at that topographic point is a 50/50 run a jeopardy (or greater) that y'all volition hold out , peculiarly every bit y'all instruct older.   But nosotros all alive inwards denial on that 1 - it is the "other guy" who is walking to the get upwards alongside a copy-paper box of desktop mementos , non us.

It is similar when I went to college.  During orientation , they gave the spoken communication of , "look to the left of y'all , as well as facial expression to the correct of y'all , 1 of y'all won't hold out hither inwards 4 years."    And I assumed that it was the guy to the left of me , every bit he looked similar a waste matter case.   But I was incorrect close that!

And sadly , nosotros process these predictable events every bit some human tragedy.   As I lead maintain noted earlier , college administrators human activeness shocked every fourth dimension a educatee drops out , fifty-fifty though hundreds , if non thousands , drib out of their college every year.  Rather than invention for this consequence (having a drop-out program) they process students similar lepers , as well as wonder why students jump off buildings when they neglect an exam.

Shit happens - seat for it.   We all state that , but never actually believe it.   And peradventure every bit Americans , nosotros lead maintain some cultural bias against preparedness.  High School Coaches state stupid things similar , "Give 110!" or "Losing is non an option!" when inwards fact , y'all tin move entirely give 100% as well as losing is an selection , 50% of the time.  We are a really winner-based social club , as well as nosotros laud winners alongside accolades as well as coin , but losers are swept nether the rug.

Funny affair , though.   For every high schoolhouse football game star who goes on to hold out an NFL superstar , at that topographic point are probable 100 or 1 ,000 or peradventure 10 ,000 who destination upwards every bit motorcar salesmen or plumbers or some other career.   Do they experience robbed?   Do they laud the achievements of their to a greater extent than successful brethren?

Or peradventure they only did OK inwards life as well as lead maintain aught actually to complain about.

And that excess filing fee?  I was able to refile the illustration as well as avoid paying it.   But it made me realize that I was form of done alongside writing Patents as well as started winding downwardly my practice.   Sometimes it takes a "shit happens" minute to motivate y'all inwards 1 direction or another.   Adversity tin move hold out instructive , if y'all permit it!

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