Share Price as well as Share Volume

Agustus 03, 2017
 In the word this morning , money-losing IPO tech-that-is-not-tech companionship "Snapchat" drops inwards cost below its IPO offering cost every bit the 120 twenty-four hours lockout catamenia for insiders ends , together with everyone expects the insiders volition get-go dumping shares on the marketplace shortly.

Snapchat , inwards instance y'all haven't followed it , is a "social media company" (read: website) that allows middle-schoolers to shipping naked pictures of themselves to each other without having to worry most violating child-porn laws.   The photos automatically erase from the site , thus in that location is no footprint for Mom together with Dad or the Police to follow.   The companionship has lost $2.2 Billion inwards the final quarter alone - most 1/10th of its vaunted "Market Cap" which every bit I noted earlier is a largely made-up number

They convey the barrier to entry for novel entrants is depression , together with the switching costs to some other platform are also low. Moreover , the bulk of our users are 18-34 years old. This demographic may travel less construct loyal together with to a greater extent than probable to follow trends than other demographics. These factors may atomic number 82 users to switch to some other production , which would negatively impact our user retentiveness , growth , together with engagement. Snapchat also may non travel able to penetrate other demographics inwards a meaningful manner. For instance , users 25 together with older visited Snapchat precisely about 12 times together with spent precisely about 20 minutes on Snapchat every twenty-four hours on average inwards the quarter ended Dec 31 , 2016 , piece users younger than 25 visited Snapchat over 20 times together with spent over 30 minutes on Snapchat every twenty-four hours on average during the same period. Falling user retentiveness , growth , or appointment could construct Snapchat less attractive to advertisers together with partners , which may seriously damage our business. 
In other words , this is a fad , together with nosotros haven't made whatever money from the fad.  And moreover , if they can't figure out how to construct money from it earlier the fad fades , it is all over.

But that is non what this post service is all about.  Everyone pretty much knew that Snapchat was nonetheless some other IPO allowing the insiders to cash out together with that the stock cost was agency over-valued.   Everyone , except , of course of didactics , private little traders who read the hype together with ordered 100 shares on E*Trade figuring "what convey I got to lose?"  These are the gamblers inwards the market , who convey turned the NASDAQ into a casino.

But part volume is something to reckon also part price.   Sadly , the fiscal press precisely talks most part cost , but never profits , P/E ratios , dividends , or other metrics.   But fifty-fifty if y'all are precisely next part cost (because y'all are a motley fool) it is wise to sympathise how volume affects price.

Recently , in that location was an incident where individual dumped a pile of Bitcoins on the marketplace together with the cost tanked.   Some retrieve it was a "heavy thumb" fault - where they typed the incorrect number into their sales order.   But the betoken was made - the amount hitting the marketplace was more than the marketplace could absorb together with the cost of bitcoin went from thousands of dollars downwards to hundreds of dollars , together with dorsum upwardly i time to a greater extent than quickly.

The same would travel truthful for nearly whatever stock or other commodity.   And that is why I state that "Market Cap" is bullshit.   If Bill Gates dumped all his Microsoft stock on the marketplace tomorrow , the cost would plummet - to less than one-half its electrical flow value.  Why?  Well , inwards add-on to the founder cashing out (which would heighten eyebrows) the marketplace simply could non absorb all those shares.   Not plenty people would travel willing to purchase , thus the part cost would drop.   It is similar buying inwards mass - the to a greater extent than y'all purchase , the lower the price.   Except this fourth dimension it is stocks , together with when huge chunks of stock are sold similar that , the cost of everyone's shares plummets.

And that is why Snapchat stock is plummeting today - the marketplace anticipated that the insiders volition get-go to dump shares on the marketplace , together with there won't travel plenty people to purchase them.  The dreaded fool shortage strikes again.   People promise that when they purchase these speculative stocks , a greater fool volition purchase them for to a greater extent than money.   But eventually nosotros run out of fools.

One agency to avoid this , of course of didactics , is to sell only little portions of stock at a time.  Lockout periods were designed to forbid such stock dumps early , but terminate upwardly precisely delaying the process.   And similar OPEC , if in that location are several shareholders who desire to "cash out" of this domestic dog stock , it becomes a classic race to the bottom.   They powerfulness concord to sell only a dribble at a fourth dimension , but the i who cheats on this understanding ends upwardly cashing inwards - piece the i who holds truthful finds the part cost has bottomed out , together with they can't sell at whatever price.

For thinly traded stocks , this work is fifty-fifty worse.  Say y'all purchase shares inwards a family-owned company.   Mom , Dad , together with the Kids ain 90% of the shares , together with y'all together with a bunch of other idiots ain 10%.   You may non fifty-fifty convey voting rights , every bit in that location may travel multiple classes of shares (sounds a lot similar an IPO nosotros know of!).  The betoken is , y'all desire to sell your shares , no i else wants to buy.   Most people don't fifty-fifty know the companionship exists , or if they produce , aren't interested.   Mom , Dad , together with the Kids are genuinely the only people interested inwards buying your stock - at a steep discount , of course.

Speaking of which , why would they number shares to Blue Planet that are non-voting?   Well , state Mom together with Dad convey 45% of the shares , together with the Kids convey 45%.   Neither has a controlling involvement inwards the company.   If i one-half bought 6% of the outstanding shares they sold to Blue Planet , though , they could command the company.   That would construct those world shares genuinely worth something.   It powerfulness fifty-fifty get-go a bidding war.  And nosotros can't convey that.  We can't convey the little investor genuinely making out , tin we?  Of course of didactics , beingness a minority shareholder inwards a little , family-run companionship is precisely throwing money away - the dependent area for some other posting.  Mom together with Dad together with the Kids pose themselves on the payroll , cash inwards large fourth dimension , together with never pay a dividend.   You powerfulness every bit good level money downwards the toilet.

Oh , hold off , these "tech" IPOs that sell off 5% of the companionship inwards stock are about the same bargain , aren't they?

But I digress.   The betoken is , part volume affects part price.   When no i is selling their shares , cost tin travel on away upwardly , every bit need exceeds supply.   When everyone wants to sell , in that location may non travel plenty buyers , together with part cost tin plummet.   So y'all encounter forthwith why companies desire the prognosticators on the fiscal channels to state squeamish things most their companionship - thus that need increases together with existing shareholders volition travel reluctant to sell , farther driving upwardly the part price.

Share cost of a stock , every bit I convey noted earlier , is an irrational number.   It is rarely inwards melody alongside the existent value of the companionship or its fiscal performance.   It is based on perception together with perception tin change.   Sure , in that location are people who "crunch the numbers" together with expression at profits , dividends , together with whatnot.  But in that location are others who precisely expression at a nautical chart showing part cost together with state , "Hey , that's going upwardly inwards cost , I should purchase it!" - together with this is how nosotros terminate upwardly alongside P/E ratios inwards the hundreds.

Prognosticators together with fiscal analysts tin also suppress a part cost , yesteryear harping on negatives - i time to a greater extent than which eventually profits individual , somewhere.   You trash-talk a stock on your fiscal present , together with and thus snap upwardly the shares when they plummet inwards cost the side yesteryear side twenty-four hours , or meliorate nonetheless , y'all short-sold the shares the twenty-four hours before.  And inwards this regard , I expression dorsum on some trades I convey made - fifty-fifty recent trades - together with wonder whether I am beingness manipulated yesteryear the media into buying or selling.

Supply together with Demand determines part cost to a greater extent than than metrics.  And need tin travel spoofed yesteryear hype together with deception , such every bit inwards the typical "roadshow" leading upwardly to an IPO.   Once the dust settles , the insiders cash-out , which inwards plough tin atomic number 82 to render greatly exceeding demand.   The little investor , who vicious for the IPO hype , may notice himself losing a lot of money inwards the process.

The easiest agency to avoid this trap is to simply avoid buying hyped IPO stocks - which is to state , all IPO stocks.  You are non going to travel the side yesteryear side Paul Allen , thus precisely larn over it.  Maybe 1 inwards 100 powerfulness convey been a skillful purchase - the residuum were crap.  It isn't worth the jeopardy to retrieve y'all are smart plenty to purchase the correct one.

UPDATE:   Some are maxim that the dip inwards Snapchat stock has been caused yesteryear some prognosticators who are trash-talking the stock together with at the same fourth dimension , short-selling it.   One banking venture says $15 a part is their "target" cost , piece Goldman sticks to $27 a part , without explanation.   H5N1 finance journalist goes online together with tuns downwards the stock , but at the same fourth dimension , short-sells it.

My perspective?   The fundamentals , aren't there together with the kids are moving to Facebook's Instagram anyway.   But regardless , it is precisely best , I retrieve , every bit a little investor , to "sit out" these manipulated overpriced together with overhyped stocks inwards money-losing companies.

You don't convey to invest inwards every damn thing.   Particularly when it gets a lot of attending inwards the press!

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