What Kind of Company is Amazon Anyway?

Agustus 02, 2017

Amazon went from selling dusty former used books , to selling merely well-nigh everything.  Today , they are trying to seat themselves equally a tech fellowship competing amongst Apple together with Samsung.

I recollect Jeff Bezos appearing on The Daily Show amongst Jon Stewart (boy , that seems similar ages agone that that exhibit was on the air!).   He was pushing an early on version of the Kindle , nearly a decade ago.   And dorsum together with hence , he was a bookseller , trying to branch out into technology scientific discipline to sell e-books , which was a novel thing.   Today , it seems that bookselling is the to the lowest degree business office of Amazon.   Who the hell reads books anymore , anyway , right?  The smart telephone has killed off literature , replacing it amongst 140 characters of tweets together with texts.

Amazon took off after that , together with today you lot tin lavatory purchase almost anything that is legal to sell , on that site.   They haven't started selling cars withal , to my cognition , but it is alone a thing of time.  Oh , hold off , they are doing that , too.[1]   But something has changed fifty-fifty since together with hence , which tells me that maybe Amazon sees the writing on the wall amongst operating equally a online merchant.   The mercantile merchandise is a concern of margins , together with Amazon , similar "tech" companies , is non real efficiently run.  They can't compete amongst the penny-pinching of Wal-Mart , at to the lowest degree non for real long.

Today's earning study seems to verify this.  Analysts were expecting earnings of $1.42 part together with withal Amazon delivered alone $0.40.  This is to a greater extent than than merely a near-miss.  The work for Amazon is that retailing is a game of narrow margins together with cost-cutting. There are no barriers to entry inwards the retail marketplace seat , you lot merely purchase materials together with and hence sell it to people.  There no patents , at that topographic point are no monopolies ,  at that topographic point is null preventing other people from getting inwards on the game. You can't merely heighten prices to embrace your expenses. So despite all this hoopla on Amazon taking over from brick-and-mortar , mayhap Amazon mightiness notice that there's lilliputian turn a profit inwards merely selling things.

And Amazon has fallen into the trap of marketplace seat part , much equally General Motors did together with many companies earlier it.   People concentrate on overall revenue (gross receipts) together with non earnings (net profits).   Revenues are fine , but it is profits that buy the farm on the lights on together with the identify going.  Amazon's revenues are upwards , but earnings are downward , which agency they are facing tighter together with tighter turn a profit margins to larn after greater together with greater marketplace seat share.   Selling materials - together with it doesn't thing what you lot are selling - is a deadening together with majuscule intensive concern whose profits are to hold upwards flora inwards pocket-size savings hither together with at that topographic point , which accept an awful lot of operate together with talent to notice , equally Sam Walton discovered.

Retail isn't whatever fun , is it?   So it seems Amazon is morphing ane time to a greater extent than , selling "Alexa" - its ain personal assistant , much similar Apple's Siri or Google's whatever.   You speak to "Alexa" together with she plays music , starts your Kenmore washer , sets off the sprinkler , dims the lights , arms the alert organization , together with programs your Roomba to spread truthful cat feces all over the house.

And this is funny to me , equally Amazon was non a tech fellowship earlier , but directly it appears to hold upwards trying to morph into one.   Next thing you lot know , they'll hold upwards selling their ain format of smart phones.  Oh , hold off , they tried that , together with it failed.

In fact , Amazon has its fingers inwards a lot of pies lately , everything from wellness insurance to repast kits.   And to a greater extent than or less would accept this equally a sign of a fellowship on the motion - expanding to accept over novel markets together with novel conquests.   I meet it equally a sign of desperation , of a fellowship trying to notice something profitable plenty to sustain it.  The part cost is over $1000 a part together with the P/E ratio is over 250 , fifty-fifty amongst the stock losing value yesterday.

Do you lot ave 250 years to hold off to brand coin on Amazon stock?   Do you lot think they tin lavatory ameliorate profitability past times a component of ten?  Not revenue , but earnings.    Amazon sells a lot of materials , to hold upwards certain , but is at that topographic point room for exponential growth?   Or volition others jump into this infinite together with also kickoff selling "stuff" equally well?

Much ballyhoo was made yesterday equally Amazon's stock cost peaked (before the earnings report) together with based on the myth of Market Cap , Jeff Bezos was richer than Bill Gates - for a few hours , anyway.   Then the earnings study came out together with , good , he's dorsum to #2 position.   You meet , Microsoft has a P/E ratio of 27 , compared to Amazon's 258.   If both Billionaires had to liquidate their positions inwards their respective companies , who practise you lot think would terminate upwards amongst the bigger pile of cash?

Bezo's "wealth" is based on the speculative idiots inwards the marketplace bidding upwards Amazon stock to over $1000 a part because they purchase things on Amazon together with heed to the fiscal press together with are convinced Amazon is going to "take over the world".   But buying shit together with selling it isn't actually that large a deal.   Microsoft , at to the lowest degree ,  has a worldwide monopoly on its operating organization - at to the lowest degree for the fourth dimension being.   And that's why they receive got a P/E ratio of 27 - they brand serious money.   Amazon?   It is all based on hype together with speculation.  Selling tchotchke on the cyberspace just isn't that profitable a business. 

And that , inwards a nutshell is why Amazon is floundering well-nigh , trying to figure out novel , to a greater extent than profitable ways , to brand money.   Maybe inwards groceries , or inwards repast kits , or inwards wellness insurance.  Drones , perhaps?  Home automation?   Let's throw a bunch of shit against the wall together with meet if  whatever of it sticks!

In the meantime , they are losing sight of their inwardness concern - selling shit on the internet.   Not alone that , but all these ancillary businesses require huge amounts of majuscule to kickoff upwards - together with many of them volition pan out to hold upwards nothing.   As a consequence , this agency earnings volition decrease farther and/or prices volition receive got to larn upwards - which agency another fellowship , who does receive got its optic on the bottom draw together with is interested alone inwards selling shit has an chance to undercut Amazon on cost together with service , and.... good Amazon has to promise they brand plenty coin on Alexa or whatever to brand upwards the difference.

I wonder if Amazon volition separate upwards , eventually , spinning off these novel tech companies together with other interests together with leaving the warehousing together with retailing concern separate.   Because things similar acquiring Whole Foods I don't meet equally an property , but a distraction.   While the fiscal press , which lives on either coast inwards large cities , mightiness think that $6 asparagus H2O is a bully bargain , the vast mass of Americans are shopping inwards traditional grocery stores , where eggs are 69 cents a dozen these days - which is all most of us tin lavatory afford.

[1]  But non doing it well.  The Amazon "Car" site lists every brand of motorcar ever made inwards non-alphabetical order.   You desire to purchase a Tucker Torpedo?  They receive got a cheque box for that make.  Good luck finding it inwards the non-alphabetical listing of over 200 makes.  Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 fellowship that can't fifty-fifty HTML properly is going to "take over the world"?   Not withal , is appears.  Also , it doesn't seem they sell cars yet hence much equally they are steering "leads" to motorcar fellowship websites.

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