Why are We Supposed to Hate Nestle But Not Coca-Cola?

Agustus 05, 2017

If y'all run a spousal human relationship found , y'all tin compass the sack role tap H2O to brand "bottled water" - but if y'all run a non-union found too practise this , y'all are pumping the aquifer dry!

Lately , at that topographic point guide maintain been peripheral reports close Nestle abusing H2O rights inwards drought-stricken California.  People are literally dying of thirst piece fell inhumane international corporate conglomerate Nestle - the same ane who "addicted" African babies to their babe formula - pumped the deserts dry out to sell overpriced bottled water.

Well , that is a trivial extreme interpretation , but to read the press , you'd recollect big , bad , quondam Nestle was raping the earth.

But hold back , what close all the other bottled H2O companies?  What close the soft-drink companies?  What close the breweries?   Where practise y'all recollect they larn their H2O from?

Same damn place.

But for about argue , nosotros never ask heed the appal against Coca-Cola , who takes tap H2O , purifies it , too bottles it too sell it.   And actually , this is no worse than taking tap H2O , adding carbohydrate to it , too selling it equally a "soft drink".  Or beer.  In other words , it isn't a bad matter at all.

All drinkable businesses role tap H2O or good H2O inwards their processing.  Many non-beverage businesses practise equally good - heroic amounts of H2O , inwards fact.  Why is Nestle existence singled out for derision?

I recollect the respond is unions.   Unions are a shape of organized law-breaking , too they volition role whatever way necessary to larn their human foot inwards the door of a factory.   And if this way besmirching the advert of the fellowship , thence survive it.   You desire task peace too adept PR from the left-wing press?   You guide maintain to practise job organisation amongst Vinny too Knuckles , first.   Sign that task contract , brand about world donations to "GreenEarthKeepers of the World , LLC" or about grouping , too inwards no fourth dimension y'all expire from bad guy to adept guy.

You don't pay the hush money?   We expire on attacking y'all inwards the press.

Recently , at that topographic point was an obvious play inwards the press close Tesla motors - that the workers at that topographic point are working also difficult too getting injured.  And non surprisingly , the mill is nether gear upwards on past times the unions to expire unionized.   The planted articles inwards the press (press-release news) allege that workers are collapsing on the chore too losing fingers inwards the machinery.   Hard materials to attempt out or disprove , specially when equally a journalist , y'all seat the give-and-take "alleged" inwards forepart of the press-release too and thence just impress the damn matter verbatim.

Sadly , this is the nation of journalism today.   Newspapers too online sites - too television set tidings programs - oft barf upwards , verbatim , whatever press unloosen sounds similar it volition capture eyeballs.   No existent "investigative" journalism goes on , no ane bothers to await into the other side of the story.  Companies involved , for legal reasons , guide maintain to state "no comment" which makes it audio similar they are guilty of something too hiding it.   People don't bother to recollect also much close it , other than to survive Outraged!(tm) too ship service something on Facebook.

The Nestle bottled-water stories are starting to fade out equally to a greater extent than too to a greater extent than plants vote to unionize.   I suspect when they are fully unionized , y'all volition run across stories close what peachy stewards of the world Nestle is , too how peachy babe formula is for tertiary world babies.

As for Tesla , I suspect the twenty-four hours they bring together the UAW volition survive the twenty-four hours y'all destination reading close how awful it is to function for Tesla.   And that volition survive the twenty-four hours that Tesla starts its inexorable ride downwards to bankruptcy.

Whenever y'all run across a storey similar this inwards the press , think close it a bit.  It may survive truthful , or it may survive a one-sided story.  Is at that topographic point about scheme that wants to tear downwards the fellowship inwards query (e.g. , union?).   Who benefits from the story?    And does the exact same storey look inwards a release of publications , word-for-word?

I am skeptical of a lot of things.  And the sentiment that one bottled imbibe fellowship is raping the earth piece all the other similar companies who practise the exact same things are not , is something I don't recollect holds water.

If you'll pardon the pun.

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