Why I Don't Own an Airplane

Agustus 02, 2017
Owning an bird is a major commitment of fourth dimension , loose energy , too coin - too non something you lot tin terminate create part-time.

At ane fourth dimension , I was quite the bird enthusiast.  We used to croak to Oshkosh every yr , every bit good every bit Dominicus 'n Fun inward Lakeland Florida , to run across all the airplanes.   And it was interesting inward that you lot would run across everything from commercially manufactured planes , to kit planes , homebuilts , ultralights , antiques , warbirds , too whatever.

And for a brief fourth dimension , I consider well-nigh getting my pilot's license too maybe buying an airplane.   But I never did too it is non hard to empathise why.   It is a major commitment of fourth dimension , loose energy , too coin , peculiarly the latter.  It is non something you lot tin terminate dabble inward , part-time , too await to alive really long.  And if you lot create upwards one's remove heed you lot desire to wing , good , it form of has to endure your life.  And if you lot create this , you lot conduct hold to alive inward an surface area where it is tardily too cheap to fly.   You can't necktie downwards your Piper Cub on the apron at National Airport.   You basically conduct hold to alive inward the country.

Flying lessons is the kickoff hurdle.   Getting your individual pilot's license is an expensive too time-consuming procedure that tin terminate cost thousands of dollars.  Not only create you lot conduct hold to hire an teacher , but you lot conduct hold to pay for utilization of the bird too pay for fuel.  And you lot volition conduct hold to conduct hold these lessons regularly , addition acquire everything out of the mass , earlier they volition allow you lot solo.   Oh , too you lot conduct hold to see a doc too acquire a medical certificate.

Once you lot solo , it isn't over.   You conduct hold to "stay current" past times flying every so oftentimes , which way you lot conduct hold to brand fourth dimension inward your schedule too wing , too if you lot don't ain a flat , renting one.   Again , if you lot alive inward a large metropolis , this is hard to create , every bit you lot may conduct hold to drive an sixty minutes or 2 to a rural aerodrome , exterior the restricted airspace of large cities.

And it doesn't destination there.   So far , all you lot conduct hold is a "VFR" or "Visual Flight Rules" license that allows you lot to wing on dainty clear days where you lot tin terminate run across what is going on.   The occupation is , of course of written report , non every twenty-four hours is a dainty clear day.   You may desire to wing at black , or inward overcast conditions.   Or worse , these weather condition may occur when you lot are flying from betoken Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 to betoken B , too you lot may uncovering yourself inward a lot of trouble.  "Instrument Flight Rules" or IFR requires an exclusively different science laid , too you lot can't mistaken it.   One of the largest movement of accidents inward full general aviation every yr is VFR pilots flying into IFR.   "Spatial Disorientation" occurs , too they stall the flat too auger into the ground.

So , dorsum to schoolhouse for IFR lessons , too if you lot desire to wing IFR , you lot demand an IFR equipped bird , which is going to cost to a greater extent than to purchase , rent , or ain a portion of.   You run across , VFR is fine too all , if all you lot desire to create is drive out to a rural airstrip , rent a flat , too conduct hold it upwards to run across the sights.   But that form of gets deadening after a while.   You desire to go somewhere inward your bird , non exactly wing it inward circles.  And patch it is possible to wing to a neighboring town for the famous "$50 cheeseburger" (the actual cost , amongst programme rental , fuel , etc.) this isn't the same every bit traveling past times air.

Now , if all you lot desire to create is wing inward circles , at that topographic point is a novel shape of license available called the "Light Sport Pilot" which is easier to get.   For the medical , all you lot demand is a driver's license.  The preparation is less onerous too the requirements to "stay current" are less every bit well.   But over again , this allows you lot basically to wing a pocket-sized flat inward circles around a rural aerodrome , or perchance to a nearby airport.   It truly isn't meant to endure used for people who desire to wing cross-country.
And "staying current" is important.  Inexperience or rusty skills also kill a lot of people every year.   So the consider you lot tin terminate acquire a license too wing ane time or twice a yr is form of flawed.   And yet a lot of people seek to create it.   I am exactly non so certain I desire to endure ane of them.

So far , nosotros haven't fifty-fifty talked well-nigh buying a plane.  Now it gets truly expensive.   Some folks state me , "Well , Bob , you lot tin terminate uncovering an older flat for well-nigh the cost of a car!" too that is truthful , but oftentimes nosotros are talking well-nigh pretty expensive cars.   And the occupation is , different a automobile , you lot conduct hold to conduct hold your flat inward for an "annual" inspection where the mechanic - who has nada incentive to not uncovering something to fix , volition oftentimes state you lot that your flat needs a lot of go , perchance an engine overhaul , too all of a precipitous you lot are spending to a greater extent than on maintenance in ane year than you lot paid for the airplane.

Again at that topographic point are workarounds for this , every bit at that topographic point are ultralights , homebuilts , kit planes , too Light Sport Aircraft that skirt some of these rules.   But over again , many of these planes are non suitable for transportation but only for flying around the pasture.

If you lot truly desire to travel past times bird , good , you'd improve endure ready to pony upwards a lot of dough for a fast bird that is designed for travel.   And such planes are a lot harder to wing every bit they oftentimes conduct hold higher landing speeds too stall speeds.   You'll demand to croak dorsum to schoolhouse over again to acquire how to wing a high-speed , twin-engine , retractable gear aircraft.  And yes , multi-engine requires a novel endorsement on your license.

So you lot run across , this becomes a existent commitment.   And fifty-fifty if you lot conduct hold the go-fast flat , you lot aren't going all the fast.  Because every bit you lot putz along at a twosome hundred miles an sixty minutes , watching the cars below you lot go at ant-like speeds , far higher upwards you lot is an airliner traveling twice every bit fast.  Maybe that's the ticket - a personal jet!

Few tin terminate afford the rarefied air of the personal jet.  And despite the promises of the past times , it doesn't facial expression similar the low-cost personal jet volition endure a reality anytime shortly , or at to the lowest degree ane that volition allow you lot to wing amongst "the large boys" too croak coast-to-coast inward a few hours.   And fifty-fifty if you lot could afford a jet , good , you lot guessed it , its dorsum to school for a lot to a greater extent than hard lessons.
The other occupation amongst owning an bird is that machinery doesn't similar to sit.   Whether it is hobby cars , motorhomes , boats , or airplanes , oftentimes the worst thing for whatsoever slice of equipment is to conduct hold it sit down idle.   An bird parked on the ramp volition fade inward the Sun too acid rain.   Fittings corrode , things degrade.  Insulating on wiring becomes brittle inward the heat.  Tires dry-rot. Birds create nests inward the engine compartment  - too wasps to every bit well.

Worst of all , inward whatsoever internal combustion engine , when stopped , at to the lowest degree ane cylinder has an opened upwards intake valve too some other has an opened upwards exhaust valve.   So inward moist , humid environments , rust tin terminate shape on the cylinder wall.  Not a lot , but enough.  Iron oxide too aluminum oxide are incredibly abrasive - it is what they brand sandpaper from.   Moisture inward the crankcase (most pocket-sized aircraft conduct hold crankcases vented to the atmosphere) tin terminate corrode the camshaft.  Yes , hangering your aircraft volition assist avoid some of these problems.  Running the engine regularly is the best preventative medicine.

We conduct hold a friend who kept an bird inward Michigan so they could wing to an isle they had a cottage on.   It ever disturbed me that he was flying (at good over seventy years of age) an bird that sat inward a hanger , unused , for vi months of the year.   Trying to remain electrical flow amongst your license inward that scenario is tough (eventually he lost his medical).  Trying to croak along an bird inward expert running status amongst such intermittent utilization , is also difficult.

As amongst cars , you lot are paying a lot of coin to ain something that spends most of its fourth dimension sitting.   Some folks , to cutting the cost of flying volition croak into together on an bird inward a "flying club".   My Brother-in-Law does this too initially it was a expert deal.   The older members had lost involvement (a pattern nosotros shall run across later) too he got to wing this bird a lot.   Of course of written report , several of his flights were to neighboring airports to run across mechanics for repairs too upgrades.  Some fun.

But he enjoyed flying the flat , although it was to a greater extent than exactly flying inward circles than truly going anywhere.   Oh , too his married adult woman wanted piddling to create amongst it.   If your married adult woman doesn't desire to wing amongst you lot , the bargain is essentially off.   The most successful pilots inward General Aviation conduct hold spouses that are every bit enthusiastic well-nigh flying every bit well.

So , given all this , why create people ain planes or wing for recreational fun?   Well , that is the occupation correct there - fewer people are doing this today , fifty-fifty every bit the population has increased.   Owning your ain flat too recreational flying is something that truly came into beingness after World War II , when many returning GI's had learned to wing courtesy of Uncle Sam.   There were a lot of surplus aircraft to endure had , too the factories that had churned out fighter planes straight off turned their manus to churning out General Aviation aircraft.  These were the golden years for Piper , Cessna , Grumman , Luscombe , Stinson , Champion , too a host of other smaller manufacturers.   And many of the planes flying today are from that era still.

By the 1960's , the marketplace had been reduced to a few players.   Sales were even so going rigid , too many a pocket-sized human of affairs would purchase an bird on the grounds they could utilization it for "business".   It was , of course of written report , a luxury too having the occupation organisation purchase it made it a neat taxation write-off.  But every bit fourth dimension progressed , the cost of airplanes skyrocketed.   Litigation was partially to blame.   Like I said , many of the planes from the 1950's , 1960's , too 1970's are even so flying today.   Since planes are so expensive , they acquire rebuilt fourth dimension too fourth dimension again.   Every pocket-sized flat that leaves the manufacturing works life basically is kept flying until it crashes.  Few are "junked" every bit cars are.

And when a flat crashes , the widow sues the manufacturer , who built the flat a half-century earlier , claiming a "factory defect" inward a flat that has been overhauled too rebuilt 4 times inward its history.   Since every pocket-sized plane's life volition eventually destination inward a crash , the lawsuits are built-in.   And the flat manufacturers had to pose the cost of the lawsuits into the cost of the planes.   Prices skyrocketed too many companies , such every bit Cessna , decided it wasn't worth it to brand planes anymore.

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Statute of Repose was passed past times Congress , limiting liability on novel aircraft to a publish of years.  Manufacturers were no longer liable for crashes of planes they made decades ago.   Cessna went dorsum into production.

But crowded skies , urban living , too the high cost of preparation too staying electrical flow , every bit good every bit the high cost of aircraft , maintenance , too fuel , has kept a lot of people from getting into flying.   And let's non forget , the middle-class is shrinking today , leaving people amongst a lot less coin to pass on things similar airplanes too other hobbies.  More too to a greater extent than pocket-sized airports are closing , leaving aviators amongst fewer places to acquire to wing too to croak along their plane.  It remains , for the most utilization , a rural hobby.

When I was living nigh Washington , DC , the nearest identify I could wing a individual programme was inward Manassas.  So I would conduct hold to drive at to the lowest degree an sixty minutes each way to croak wing for a few hours.   Not only was this non practical , I was form of busy at the fourth dimension - starting my ain police pull exercise too buying too re-habbing rental properties.  It sort of took upwards most of my life.   In improver , I was tinkering amongst some erstwhile cars too had an RV.   There wasn't plenty fourth dimension inward my life to create everything too flying an bird is something you lot don't desire to create half-assed.

As I explained to Mr. See , you lot tin terminate endure Mr. Hobby Car , or Mr. Motorhome , or Mr. Recreational Boater , or Mr. Airplane.   But you lot can't endure all of them - and indeed , to endure fifty-fifty 2 of them is to a greater extent than than most people tin terminate handle.     Toys , when neglected , volition seize amongst teeth you lot on the ass.   Like I said , mechanism doesn't similar to endure left to sit.

When nosotros bought our boat , I told Mark nosotros had to sell the motorhome.  He couldn't empathise why.  Can't nosotros conduct hold a motorhome too a boat?   Yes , that would endure dainty , but the reality is , of course of written report , that if you lot are spending each weekend on the boat , when create you lot utilization the motorhome?  There is such a thing has having too much , every bit I works life out the hard way.

Today , I alive inward an surface area where a pocket-sized aerodrome is inside walking distance of my house.   The guy who runs the aerodrome , a Delta airplane pilot for many years , has fifty-fifty offered to give me flying lessons.   I could likely afford to ain a pocket-sized flat too wing around the patch , or fifty-fifty a larger flat that mightiness conduct hold me to Florida or the Carolinas.    And maybe someday , I volition conduct hold him upwards on his offer.   But Mark isn't that bully on it , too spousal back upwards is essential inward whatsoever endeavor.

And too , he wants to acquire a boat.  And you lot can't endure Mr. Boat and Mr. Airplane , it exactly won't work.   Well , you lot could seek to acquire inward go , but it won't go out good , too a neglected bird too neglected flying skills could kill you lot inward brusque order.

If you lot alive on a farm , ranch , or inward some rural surface area , or maybe a fly-in community , it is a lot easier to commit to flying on a regular basis.   But for the vast bulk of us , it exactly isn't a workable utilization of our lives , which is a shame , every bit flying inward a pocket-sized flat tin terminate endure exhilarating inward a way that jet go is not.

You conduct hold to truly endure an enthusiast , I believe , to ain an airplane.  You can't endure a dilettante or a part-time pilot.   If you lot truly desire to acquire to wing too pass a lot of fourth dimension flying , so maybe get a undertaking flying airplanes.   Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 friend of mine did exactly that.  He ever wanted to wing airplanes , so he went to Embry-Riddle , learned how to wing airplanes , built upwards his fourth dimension too is straight off flying freight for FedEx.   He gets paid to create this , too someone else has to bargain amongst the cost of the bird too maintaining the engines.   As he puts it , he gets paid to create something he would conduct hold done for costless - or paid to do.

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