Fake News? How the Washington Post Went Off the Deep End

Agustus 03, 2017
But the writer of the slice was an baby at that time , so she wouldn't know.  I produce know.  I recall these things.  And New York City inwards 1977 was indeed a unsafe house - amongst rampant offense in addition to subways that were petty to a greater extent than than graffiti-covered urinals.  To her , Pampers have ever existed in addition to bottle deposit laws are a new thing , non the default means of functioning until the mid-1960's.   Kids today - sheesh!

But the writer doesn't halt there.   The error for these riots wasn't that simply about people had no moral compunction most stealing or that the soft-on-crime approach of the post-Miranda era had made criminality to a greater extent than attractive , but that white people in addition to rich people were to blame past times cutting the metropolis budget.
"In 1977 , New York was still reeling nether the acquit upon of the steep budget cuts of the previous few years , equally the metropolis regime shut hospitals , burn stations , wellness clinics , in addition to schools. The metropolis academy began to accuse tuition for the starting fourth dimension time. Public job — long a path to greater economical stability , peculiarly for African American in addition to Latino New Yorkers [cite? source?  made up?]— shriveled past times tens of thousands of jobs — to a greater extent than than xx percent — over the 5 years that followed the 1975 financial crisis. Even earlier the blackout , the mounting anger toward austerity was palpable [how does she know? cite? source? shitty journalism?]. Over 1975 in addition to 1976 , neighborhoods from Williamsburg to the South Bronx were rocked past times community protests against the cuts."
New York was teetering on bankruptcy inwards the 1970's in addition to had to cutting dorsum on spending.   Thousands of superfluous metropolis jobs were eliminated.  The writer argues that these regime jobs were the solely path for minorities to motility upward to the middle-class.    Cut those jobs , in addition to good , you can't blame people for raping , looting , mugging , in addition to murdering.   It's non their error , it's yours!

Consider this not-too-subtle chip of propaganda from the piece:
"The experience of the blackout helped to legitimate a tough-on-crime conservatism inwards New York , 1 that leveraged fearfulness to construct back upward for policies such equally stop-and-frisk in addition to “broken windows” policing , field also insisting that poverty primarily reflected the bad choices of wretched people [and this isn't truthful because?]. The route to Rudolph W. Giuliani’s New York [which of course of report is a bad matter , it goes without proverb , right?] , inwards other words , begins at the 1977 blackout."
In other words , enforcing laws is a bad thing.  The broken window policing technique (in quotes hither , to disparage it) is simply bad policy - never withdraw heed that the offense charge per unit of measurement inwards New York City is at all-time lows.  Never withdraw heed that Time Square dorsum so was a seedy house of porn theaters in addition to routine muggings in addition to today is a house people convey their children to run into the Lion King.

Never withdraw heed all that , because the writer wasn't hold upward dorsum then , in addition to hence pines for a time-gone-by that was inwards reality , a horror.   Again , pining for the "Good Old Days" - on either the Left or Right is a bad idea.

What is so lamentable most this slice , is that it was written past times soul who is writing a "History of New York inwards the 1970's" but wasn't fifty-fifty hold upward during that fourth dimension period.   This would non appear so odd if she were writing most the 1800's or the 1700's - at that spot are no people from that fourth dimension menstruation who recall it first-hand.   And instead of going to hold upward sources of data , she seems to hold upward to a greater extent than content to selectively quote from paper articles that favor her preconceived notion that the error of offense lies non amongst criminals but society.

If this premise is truthful , so explicate why crime rates across America are at all-time lows compared to the nighttime days of 1977.   Are nosotros that much improve a guild today?   If so , so perchance nosotros should hold upward studying why our guild is so much improve than New York City , circa 1977.   "Giuliani's New York" is a improve house that Abraham Beame's was.

In 1977 , I drove to New York to run into the Talking Heads at CBGB's.   She wasn't there.  She was shitting her non-disposable diapers that her parents didn't loot.   Yet she has the balls to enjoin us who were there what was "wrong" amongst New York City dorsum so - or fifty-fifty what it was like.    Go rent a cop painting demo from that era , such equally The French Connection or Serpico.   Yes , that is what New York was similar - gritty , dingy , covered amongst filth , graffitti , in addition to offense running rampant inwards the street.   Abandoned in addition to stripped cars littered the streets.  I recall seeing an early on 1970's Ford LTD carriage , on its roof , stripped of all usable parts , in the median on the FDR drive beneath the United Nations Building.

Crime wasn't simply inwards the South Bronx or Harlem - it was everywhere.  And Brooklyn wasn't simply about hipster yuppie enclave , it was a fucking ghetto where y'all could larn killed.  No 1 wanted to hold upward inwards Park Slope , which is why my Grandfather left , selling the solid unit of measurement domicile for a pittance.

That was New York inwards the 1970's.   And no , it wasn't that people were restive in addition to upset , but that they felt they could get away amongst looting inwards an era where the police pull were oft corrupt , in addition to when non corrupt , ineffectual.  And oft they were ineffectual because our province started feeling sorry for criminals in addition to non for their victims.

We don't need to become dorsum to those bad-old-days.   I solely want I could set the writer of this slice into a fourth dimension machine in addition to ship her dorsum to Times Square , July thirteen , 1977 at 9:30 PM.  If she were to came dorsum at all , perchance her perspective would hold upward different.

Sorry , but no sale.  It is liberal racism to posit that offense is "just what dark people do" or that it is "justified" past times social injustices.   This is what keeps minorities downward - when y'all enjoin them that criminality is expected of them.   And inwards item it is what keeps dark people downward , equally nosotros don't ship other minorities the same message.

Shame on the Washington Post in addition to the writer of that article!

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