News Reporting or Propaganda?

Agustus 03, 2017

Yes , Virginia , Fake News exists - together with both sides of the political spectrum are pushing it.

A recent article inward The Guardian is laughably biased.   In representative you lot missed it , The Guardian is a British tabloid paper which caters to Britons' wish to detect fault inward America.  Oh , certain , the Brits are our "allies" together with nosotros bailed their donkey out inward ii globe wars.  And they receive got utterly fucked themselves amongst this Brexit matter , together with receive got a leader who is only ane notch or ii shy of existence a Donald Trump herself.   But they dearest to run downwards America as some sort of Dickensian identify where children starve inward the streets together with people popular off from lack of a "national health" service.

And The Guardian plays correct into this narrative.

The article is hilarious inward many ways.   It discusses a tiny town inward coal province that lost its Walmart , together with how Walmart's leaving "devastated" the area.   But of course of report , it was the demise of the coal manufacture that caused the destruction - the county going from a population of 100 ,000 to eighteen ,000 inward the concluding few decades.

And of course of report , The Guardian is the form of paper that decries when a Walmart opens (which they produce inward this article) playing that same former trope virtually how awful it is that Walmart competes inward the marketplace together with "runs small-scale businesses out of town" or some such nonsense.   So Walmart is the villain for moving to this rural community together with a villain ane time to a greater extent than , for leaving.

It is only when you lot larn deep into the article that you lot read that the Walmart inward inquiry moved into an site abandoned past times K-Mart.   In other words , ane "big-box" retailer was replacing another.  And speaking of "big-box" they arrive audio as if that term together with concept itself was somehow evil inward an of itself:
"Peep into the drinking glass doors of the front end of the store together with you lot tin start to appreciate the brutal simplicity of the Walmart concept.  There is nothing inside its windowless walls , only 103 ,000sq ft of air.  Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Walmart supercenter is no to a greater extent than , no less than the refer implies: a large box , an empty phase on which to wave a magic wand together with summon upward a ane thou one thousand retail dreams."
No purpose of high-index words hither , is there?

Once ane time to a greater extent than , nosotros are treated to what I telephone phone , "Flint , Michigan Syndrome".   There are jobs to last had all over America today , but you lot have to leave of absence depressed Appalachian coal mining towns to detect them.  Most of the Walmart employees were offered jobs inward other stores , but ane somebody interviewed didn't wish to "drive an lx minutes ane agency to commute" to some other store or actually motion there.   One somebody was "forced" to motion over 300 miles to Myrtle Beach to operate at Walmart.   Forced?   Leaving depressed mining towns for a resort expanse is a smart move non a personal tragedy.

The folks on the left (who are quoted inward the storey , including , yep , Bernie Sanders) posit that people have a correct to alive wherever the hell they wish to , together with jobs together with services should last brought to their door.   Sorry , but no sale to that.   You motion to where the jobs are.   The remainder of us receive got to produce that , why are people from West Virginia or Flint Michigan exempt?

What I thought was truly funny , though was you lot could receive got this article together with cut-and-paste it amongst some British references together with it would last as as asinine.  Just supervene upon "West Virginia" amongst "Wales" (their version of impoverished backward Appalachian coal mining country) together with "Walmart" amongst "Tesco" - their version of the big-box store.
"When Tesco left town , it didn’t linger over the goodbyes. It slashed the prices on all its products , stripped the shelves bare , together with vanished , leaving behind only the ghostly shadow of its famous build refer together with logo on the front end wall of a deserted shell.

The divergence was thus quick that telltale signs stay of the getaway , similar smoldering ashes inward the fireplaces of an evacuated town. [wtf??] Notices all the same taped to the drinking glass entranceway tape amongst tombstone-like precision the exact minute that the Tesco was shuttered: “Store closed at 7pm , Th 28 Jan 2016.”

Ten years. That’s all the fourth dimension it took for the store to rise upward inward a clearing of the lush forest of Welsh coal province together with and then disappear ane time to a greater extent than , as though it had never been there."
Hey , this is fun!  And wow , what bang-up imaginary together with purpose of high-index words!  But it ain't journalism.  It is left-wing propaganda.   According to the article , the problems of impoverished Appalachia (which receive got been going on for over a century) are at ane time Walmart's fault - at to the lowest degree inward business office - for having the audacity for opening a business together with ane time to a greater extent than for closing it when it was losing money.  Not only are they responsible for jobs lost , but the really diet together with wellness of the residents there:
“There’s a lot of people getting sick since the store closed because they’re non getting the correct diet. It’s hapless to me , but bad nutrient is cheap.”
Nicole Banks is the offset somebody inward her identify unit of measurement to locomote to college. With a [useless] degree inward sociology , how would she amount upward the send on of Walmart leaving?
She pauses to mean value for a piece , together with when she replies , she does thus amongst unexpected vehemence. “It’s ridiculous ,” she says. “People circular hither can’t larn healthcare , they can’t larn jobs together with at ane time the adept nutrient has gone. We are non getting our basic needs met. People are dying young.”
Banks is non exaggerating. Of the iii ,142 counties inward the United States of America of America , McDowell County comes inward at No iii ,142 inward terms of life expectancy. For men , that’s 64 years , a statistic that , as Bernie Sanders likes to signal out , is the same for men inward Namibia.
Clearly , such endemic wellness problems cannot last set solely at the door of Walmart. But for Sabrina Shrader , a community organizer who was born together with bred [sic - this is West Virginia] inward the expanse , it provides the context for agreement the termination of the corporation’s determination , together with that of its controlling identify unit of measurement , to pack its bags together with quit.
“The Walton identify unit of measurement are billionaires ,” she said (also no exaggeration – their collective worth is position at virtually $150bn). “They developed a arrangement that only made us worse off , together with and then they took fifty-fifty that away from us.”

You encounter , Walmart is at ane time a charity together with according to "activists" should locomote on opened upward stores inward areas amongst declining populations , no incomes , together with no jobs , just because they should.  And piece Walmart provided low-priced nutrient for residents , no ane volition store at the remaining mom-and-pop grocery store because it is "too expensive".   Walmart is evil because of depression prices that drive "mom together with pop" stores out of business.  And at ane time they are evil for leaving , forcing people to store at..... the overpriced "mom together with pop" store.   Logical consistency has never been a hallmark of the left , it seems.

"Clearly , such endemic wellness problems cannot last set solely at the door of Walmart."  - mean value virtually that for a second.   It is Walmart's fault for putting upward a store where Kmart failed , but of course of report , non the fault of the nearby McDonald's for selling fast-food (they produce receive got salads , of course of report , but no ane e'er orders that , right?).

And the depression life expectancy has to produce amongst Walmart not selling dark-green vegetables anymore.   Not related to dark lung together with other mining illnesses.   Nothing to produce amongst the meth epidemic (and at ane time opiate epidemic) ravaging West Virginia.   No , it all has to produce amongst dark-green veggies together with Walmart.

I loathe to recess it to you lot , but I store at Walmart , together with fifty-fifty amongst the availability of fresh vegetables , the poor are the ones filling their carts amongst 2-liter jugs of orangish soda-pop , bags of chips , together with frozen pizzas.   Even when they receive got access to a Walmart , the poor purchase shitty food.   Sorry , but no sale to bullshit.

The entire premise is ridiculous.   But it plays correct into a social together with socialist narrative - that money-losing businesses should last kept opened upward (like the coal mines inward the Britain , pre-Thatcher) only thus people receive got a identify to locomote together with something to do.  It also panders to the British take away to run downwards the USA , as good as the take away of some liberals inward this province to constantly detect fault amongst it.

The Trump management was elected using real mistaken news inward the shape of cyberspace rumors from sketchy websites (that made a lot of coin for their owners).   They together with then turned the entire concept on its caput past times calling the existent word outlets , "fake news."

But amongst "news stories" similar this ane inward The Guardian , it becomes easier together with easier to combat that (dare I say it?) Trump is right , or at to the lowest degree every word outlet inward the globe has at ane time only given upward whatsoever pretense of neutrality together with has gone direct to propaganda.  The Guardian or Breitbart , same shit , dissimilar day.   Slanted propaganda posing as news.

Sadly , this is the sort of shit that volition larn Trump re-elected.   The so-called "Progressives" today wish zip less than a communist overthrow of our authorities together with a switch to a socialist province where our every determination inward life is made for us past times large government.   Not only is is a bad thought (as proven inward every province that has tried it , including the UK) it never volition hand off inward the USA.

This same county existence profiled inward this left-wing slice also voted for Donald Trump - past times 74 percent.  The folks hither are non going to vote for Bernie Sanders , fifty-fifty if a "community activist" together with a immature adult woman amongst a worthless "sociology degree" mean value otherwise.  Anyone amongst one-half a encephalon has already left this hell-hole for greener pastures.  The folks that remained , good , are not the brightest bulbs inward the chandelier.  But probable many of them volition leave of absence also , rather than hold back unopen to , Flint-style , for "the jobs to come upward back!"

It is only hapless that people mean value this agency - feeling sorry for themselves together with positing themselves as "victims" , piece living inward the wealthiest province inward the globe , amongst a booming economic scheme , depression unemployment , depression involvement , together with depression inflation.

If you lot aren't happy amongst this , nothing inward this globe volition e'er , e'er build you lot happy.

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