Stock Metrics

Agustus 05, 2017
efficient marketplace position hypothesis would call for that part cost is the communal assessment of the value of the company.  The "hive mind" has come upward to this cost based on logic as well as value assessment.  However , every bit I remove keep noted earlier , the hive hear tin hold upward atomic number 82 astray - off a cliff , even.   So part cost genuinely is likely the worst indicia of the value of a company.   And it is the "metric" most touted past times the media.

Share cost over time (the initiatory off derivative of part price) is this footling graph that pops upward when you lot google the fellowship name.   And you'd hold upward surprised how many people follow part cost from 24-hour interval to 24-hour interval , hr to hour.  H5N1 lot of middle-class as well as lower-middle-class people got sucked into "day trading" stocks , buying into some "system" sold on the Internet or on TV.  Some friends of mine hither on the isle got into it - telling me what a non bad bargain it was as well as how I was a chump for non taking component inwards it.  After a few months , I asked them how it was going as well as they chop-chop changed the subject.   Gamblers call upward their winnings , no affair how fleeting , but forget their losses.

I abide by these footling charts to hold upward of really footling additional work than part cost alone.   At the really to the lowest degree , expand the nautical chart to 5 or x years or "max" as well as run into where the fellowship has been.   Is the part cost volatile?  If so , that is never a goodness sign.   Whether the part cost is trending upward or downward , withal , is of footling import.   Many people endeavour to read something into these charts.   Half aspect at a part cost going upward as well as say , "It's going up!  It volition proceed to become up!  I'm buying!"   The other one-half aspect at a part cost going downward as well as say , "It's going down!  It volition sure rebound!  I'm buying!"  And since both parties are correct half the time , they think they are winning at the game as well as prognosticating with accuracy.  However , without a time machine you lot genuinely can't predict the hereafter cost of a part based on its past times performance.

Market Cap is some other largely useless metric that the fiscal press also touts.   It is basically arrived at past times multiplying the part cost past times the number of outstanding shares as well as coming upward with a number that way nothing.   It doesn't stand upward for the "value" of the fellowship or its powerfulness inwards the marketplace.   It is just a number , ofttimes arrived at because the plebes bid upward part prices to the satelite , non realizing that just because a fellowship gets a lot of press doesn't hateful it is profitable.   See Share Price as well as Share Price Over Time above.   The marketplace position is non rational as well as thus Market Cap is irrational.   I would just ignore marketplace position cap every bit a meaningless number that the press likes to throw some every bit it generates headlines.

Revenue is just the gross income of the fellowship - what it gets for selling all its services or products for a year.  Revenue is some other term the fiscal press loves to tout - as well as conflate with profits - especially when they are hyping a money-losing fellowship or a fellowship that is making really pocket-sized profits.   "Ajax fellowship saw a 50% increase inwards revenues!" they simper inwards their headlines - non bothering to get upward that Ajax saw a 50% decrease inwards profits at the same time.   Yes , you lot tin increase overall revenue past times slashing your turn a profit margins as well as undercutting your competition.   It may non , withal , hold upward a sustainable model.  The fiscal press is fast as well as loose with these terms , ofttimes implying that revenue is profit or conflating the terms inwards fiscal articles.   I remove keep met to a greater extent than than 1 somebody who has told me with a instantly confront that revenues as well as profits are the same thing.

EBITDA is a tough 1 to parse.   It is defined as a company's earnings earlier involvement , taxes , depreciation , as well as amortization (hence the acronym).  It is an accounting mensurate calculated using a company's cyberspace earnings , earlier involvement expenses , taxes , depreciation as well as amortization are subtracted , every bit a proxy for a company's electrical current operating profitability (i.e. , how much turn a profit it makes with its acquaint assets as well as its operations on the products it produces as well as sells , every bit good every bit providing a proxy for cash flow).   Quite frankly , I think this metric tin hold upward deceptive.   I am non sure why taxes are non just an expense , every bit is interest.   Why criterion a company's profitability spell backing out these items is a improve indicia of the overall worth or profitability of a fellowship is a goodness question.

Some economists work this indicia to compare 1 fellowship to some other , inwards a hypothetical comparing where the 2 companies don't remove keep whatever debt or pay whatever taxes.   Thus if Company H5N1 has a higher EBITDA than Company B , peradventure Company H5N1 is intrinsically to a greater extent than profitable.   However , Company H5N1 has saddled itself with a lot of junk-bond debt as well as is based inwards a high-tax jurisdiction , which way it earns less real profit for shareholders , which is what really matters to you lot as well as me.

I think a lot of these 24-hour interval traders as well as other stock-schemers similar to work EBITDA every bit it sounds genuinely cool to say it , but at the same fourth dimension , they genuinely don't know what it means.   To me , cyberspace profits are what counts.  The fact that "but for" billions inwards junk-bond debt a fellowship could hold upward profitable genuinely makes no feel to me.   After all , nosotros can't moving ridge our magic EBITDA wand as well as make those involvement payments as well as taxes become away , tin we?  So I am going to chalk this 1 upward to some other bullshit metric , especially since I run into it highlighted on day-trader sites.

Oh , as well as if you lot endeavour to convince me that I am just likewise dumb to empathize it , I volition remove keep that every bit a sign that aye indeed , it is talk bullshit when applied to ordinary investing.

EPS - or Earnings Per Share at to the lowest degree gives you lot some thought of whether the fellowship is making coin or not.  If this number is negative , good , the fellowship is hemorrhaging cash as well as volition remove keep to either number to a greater extent than stock , borrow to a greater extent than coin , or abide by a way to brand a turn a profit , earlier long , earlier it goes bankrupt.   Many companies remove keep negative EPS every bit they endeavour to educate marketplace position part as well as novel products.   So long every bit they remove keep Billions inwards uppercase to burn downward through , peradventure they tin rest inwards business.  But eventually EPS has to become positive for whatever company - no affair what some wild-eyed "new paradigm" investor tells you.   Of course of study , you lot remove keep to enquire what precisely "Earnings" are , every bit some companies study earnings differently than others.  Traditionally this has meant profits , but others are using other indicia such every bit EBITDA (as noted above) so brand sure when you lot are reading an indicia , it is the correct indicia.  Other than beingness negative or positive , EPS past times itself isn't a useful metric , unless you lot compare it to other metrics , such every bit part price...

P/E Ratio at to the lowest degree way something.   It is the ration of Price over Earnings.   So , for instance , if your Acme fellowship has a part cost of $200 a part as well as earns $10 per part per yr (EPS) , its P/E ratio is xx , which is considered a pretty goodness ratio.   Flip the ratio over as well as you lot remove keep an thought of that the fellowship is earning per part , every bit a percentage.   In this instance , nigh 5% , which is non a bad furnish on investment these days.

H5N1 lot of other people similar to think of P/E ratio inwards terms of how many years you'd remove keep to concur a stock to earn your coin back.  So for instance , our Acme fellowship volition earn dorsum your investment inwards xx years , which isn't likewise bad.   Some stock with a P/E ratio of 150 or to a greater extent than won't earn dorsum your coin until good into the adjacent Century , past times which fourth dimension the fellowship probable won't exist.   And that is something to behave inwards hear - companies are non forever , so don't think that investing for the "long haul" (50 years or more) inwards the same fellowship is such a swell thought , if it ain't making money.

Dividends are really of import inwards my book.   The stand upward for a existent cash payment into your banking concern concern human relationship , non some theoretical "paper gains" every bit a stock cost rises or "retained earnings" inwards the company.   Dividends are also a dirty word on the stock as well as fiscal channels as well as websites.   Stock cost as well as uppercase gains are all that matters!   That's what they desire you lot to believe , anyway.   But every bit I noted earlier - as well as every bit many other people remove keep noted - dividend stocks tend to outperform speculative stocks (where you lot are gambling on the stock cost alone).   And when you lot combine the gains inwards stock cost of a dividend stock along with the dividends , the overall yield is far greater , on average , than most non-dividend stocks.

This is non to say dividend stocks are non without their problems - every bit I noted before.   You can't remove keep one metric alone every bit an indicia of the wellness or prosperity of a fellowship as well as where it is headed.   You remove keep to aspect at the whole picture.

Dividend History is similar part cost history - it tells you lot nigh the past times , but cannot predict the future.  For instance , I invested inwards a trust of natural gas leases inwards Louisiana that seemed similar a sure bargain based on its dividend history.  Hey , everyone needs natural gas , right?   Well , so the gas glut came , as well as the fellowship pumping the gas went bankrupt , as well as every bit leaseholders , our involvement was basically wiped out inwards bankruptcy court.   Conditions changed , as well as past performance is no guarantee of hereafter returns , every bit they say.

Similarly , I invested inwards some tanker stocks.  One did OK , the other non so well.   H5N1 recession inwards the transportation marketplace position meant that spot leases for tankers started to dry out upward as well as the ships sat empty non earning whatever revenue.   Also , the nature of these companies is that they pay out all their profits inwards dividends.  You are basically buying a slice of the tanker , as well as they pay dividends based on how much coin the tanker makes , until the 24-hour interval they cutting it upward for flake as well as you lot larn a pocket-sized slice of that every bit good as well as remove keep a prissy day.   High dividend yields audio non bad , but they don't become on forever , as well as 1 time to a greater extent than , conditions tin change inwards whatever manufacture , as well as you lot remove keep no way of predicting this without a fourth dimension machine.  In fact , hereafter concern weather condition are 1 "metric" that you lot can't mensurate with whatever accuracy , unless you lot could go inwards time.

That beingness said , an old-line fellowship that looks to remove keep a steady hereafter with a steady history of dividend payments is a reassuring thing.   Until that fellowship goes belly-up when the marketplace position changes , or the CEO runs off with all the money.   Dividend history is helpful , it is non determinative.

Price to Book Ratio is touted past times some at useful metric , but I am non so sure.  The price-to-book ratio (or P/B ratio) is an indication of what investors are willing to shell out for each dollar of a company's assets. The P/B ratio divides a stock's part cost past times its cyberspace assets , less whatever intangibles such every bit goodwill.  I abide by this a less useful metric , myself.  H5N1 company's "assets" are commonly worth really little.   Even an old-line manufacturing flora with lots of existent estate as well as motorcar tools is worth really footling inwards liquidation - every bit I remove keep seen firsthand.

Go to whatever rustbelt City inwards the North as well as run into all the abandoned factories that no 1 wants to buy.  Many are hazmat sites with PCB problems as well as genuinely remove keep a negative value to a potential buyer.   Cities as well as U.S. remove keep to pay people to remove keep these off their hands.   How practise you lot think Elio ended upward with the one-time Hummer factory?  No 1 else wanted it.   White elephant!

Machinery as well as other assets are similarly overvalued.   Old computers as well as go desks are worth nothing.   Machine tools as well as assembly describe equipment , especially specialized equipment , sells for pennies on the dollar.

More modern companies remove keep footling inwards the way of assets other than go leases , some servers , as well as peradventure a reckoner or two.   The value inwards a fellowship is literally inwards the people they hire , as well as inwards liquidation , you lot lose those people.

The existent value of whatever company is in the company itself , non its liquidation value.   The powerfulness of the company to crank out profits as well as dividends is what genuinely matters , non how much they paid for a robotic welding machine.

But at that spot are uses for this metric every bit well.  If a fellowship is trading below its volume value , it may hold upward really undervalued - or nigh to become bankrupt.   Take your selection - you'll demand to aspect at other indicia to figure out which.

Debt-to-Equity Ratio is some other metric which illustrates why "Market Cap" is bullshit.  The D/E ratio indicates what proportion of financing a fellowship has received from debt (like loans or bonds) as well as equity (like the issuance of shares of stock).   As I noted inwards my Tesla post , many companies are raising uppercase today with debt , non stock , so counting only the stock every bit the "value" of a fellowship is misleading.

But likewise much debt tin hateful the fellowship is drowning.   Again , why EBITDA way anything is beyond me.  When you lot remove keep billions inwards debt as well as high involvement payments , it makes a difference fifty-fifty if your EBITDA numbers aspect good.

* * *
These are just a few metrics.   There are many , many to a greater extent than , including free-cash period of time as well as price/earnings to growth ratio.   There is also a relatively novel metric known every bit "Enterprise value" which some are maxim is a improve mensurate of a company's worth than "Market Cap" which may hold upward truthful every bit Market Cap , inwards my sentiment is essentially meaningless.

As an investor , you lot are lucky today inwards that many of these metrics are only a Google search away.  It was non likewise long agone that if you lot wanted to obtain much of this information , you lot had to subscribe to a information service or slog through annual reports (in newspaper shape , of course!).   It just wasn't possible to investigate a company's finances or its metrics , but so 1 time to a greater extent than , few middle-class people invested inwards private stocks dorsum the one-time days.

But you lot tin mensurate all these metrics , abide by a fellowship that looks goodness "by the numbers" as well as silent lose your shirt.   Why is this?   Well , at that spot are intangible metrics that are much harder to mensurate as well as discern.  H5N1 fellowship may hold upward coming out with a novel production - or a challenger mightiness be.  If the production is successful , the fellowship making it may become upward inwards value (and pay higher dividends) as well as the challenger may drib inwards value.   Or peradventure the production volition bomb.  It volition hurt customers , confront massive recalls , or just hold upward unreliable or unpopular.   Again , without a fourth dimension motorcar , difficult to know which is going to hold upward the case.

Then at that spot is fraud.   You tin remove keep all these non bad metrics going for you lot , only to afterward abide by out management was lying to you.   And that is what happened with Enron , who non only reported imitation fiscal information , but bribed as well as browbeat their accounting theatre to certify these imitation numbers.  Both companies are out of concern today.  If you lot went past times the numbers , you'd hold upward broke , every bit Enron certainly looked goodness on paper at the time.

That's why , I think some other goodness metric is your gut instinct as well as skepticism.   Basically , anything hyped to you lot online or inwards the press is likely a bad bet - only you lot as well as 300 1000000 other people know nigh this "hot stock tip!"   Similarly , anyone trying to sell you lot a arrangement , predicting the destination of the basis , or using star divination to selection stocks (no , genuinely , they exist!) should non hold upward trusted.   You remove keep to aspect at things rationally as well as non emotionally.

And you lot remove keep to hold upward prepared to miss out on non bad opportunities inwards retrospect as well as non permit that bother you.   And you lot volition lose coin likewise , as well as you lot can't permit that bother you lot either.   Diversifying your portfolio with a large number of things is genuinely all you lot tin do.   Trying to "win big" inwards every thing only insures you lot volition lose large , all the time.

Because when you lot come upward downward to it , you don't remove keep the fourth dimension as well as energy to enquiry all of these metrics (and the many , many more) , read all the intelligence articles nigh a stock , examine the company's products , remove keep a manufacturing flora tour , hear on an investor conference telephone band , interview the CEO , as well as consult with a panel of experts.   The people you lot are playing against inwards the marketplace can practise all of these things.   Whatever you lot invest inwards , there is a guy on Wall Street who does naught but think nigh that fellowship or investment all 24-hour interval long.    Unless you lot are that guy , you lot volition never accomplish that degree of expertise.

For me , "gut instinct" way staying away from IPOs , dot-com stocks , as well as anything hyped past times the shouting guy as well as the residuum of the fiscal media.   If they enjoin me a stock has gone way upward , so I know it is likewise belatedly for me to jump in.   Does this hateful I fille out on some things?  Sure.  But nosotros all do.    I also made coin on other things that other people missed out on.   Breaking costless of the "I'll fille the boat!" mentality is , I think , key.   You are non entitled to , or should await to , larn inwards on the basis flooring as well as brand wild profits on all of your investments.  That just is non a realistic expectation inwards life.

My gut instinct also tells me that when something doesn't brand whatever sense non to invest inwards it.  I'm non e'er correct on this , but commonly am correct , which is improve than commonly wrong.

And all of this is why a lot of people set their coin into usual funds , index funds , as well as diverse other investments which require footling or no thinking on their part.   Yes , even usual funds remove keep metrics , just similar stocks as well as bonds as well as gilt as well as anything else.   And they also remove keep fees , which are a fundamental metric of those investments.

After thirty years of this , I experience I am just kickoff to larn a glimmer of how much I genuinely don't know nigh investing as well as how I am inwards a shark tank , when it comes to the market.   That only took thirty years , as well as at this dot , the information doesn't practise me much goodness , every bit I am riding the moving ridge at this point.

The existent fundamental to investing isn't "beating the market" - which is nearly impossible for the pocket-sized investor to practise - but to salve coin as well as invest it.   Because at the destination of the 24-hour interval , nigh one-half the coin you lot remove keep inwards your IRA or 401(k) volition hold upward the coin you lot set there non the coin you lot made from clever investing.

And if you lot don't set whatever coin inwards at that spot to get with.... you lot volition remove keep no coin at the other destination , no affair how clever you lot are with stock picking as well as investing.   Metrics hateful naught , if you lot don't remove keep coin to invest inwards the initiatory off place.

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