The Finanical Press is Lying to You.

Agustus 05, 2017

Is the fiscal press hyping some stocks together with running downward others?   Yes.

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 reader writes , "I tried the MSN tidings website together with what is curious is that I cannot run into whatever ads on it.  How exercise they create coin if they don't lead maintain whatever ads?"

And the respond is , I shout back , that the articles are the ads or at to the lowest degree some of them are.   I lead maintain soured on the MSN site equally it seems to hold out sensationalist together with relies likewise heavily on The Washington Post together with The New York Times for its sources.  The "Technology" department seems to hold out ads written equally articles.  "Is the novel smart telephone super-duper , or exactly super?" is the sort of gushing commentary they have.  Or they lead maintain a plethora of articles speculating on what the adjacent smart telephone volition hold out similar - to hold out announced adjacent Tuesday!  Not that we're hyping it , of course.

The "Money" department seems to hold out footling to a greater extent than than a platform for pump together with dump traders to hawk their wares.  One calendar month , a stock is disparaged (Ford) together with and hence the adjacent calendar month it is hyped (Ford again).  As I noted , I am staying out of that one equally it seems that indeed , people are manipulating the stock cost , together with that overall , the auto manufacture (and indeed the country) are headed for recession.

More than i article has appeared almost how slap-up Amazon is , together with how at nowadays that they lead maintain acquired niche nutrient retailer Whole Foods , they are going to position Wal-Mart out of business.  we were refugees from Sutton Place Gourmet.   We realized that spending 2x , 3x , 4x , or 5x for nutrient is exactly stupid , especially when the products are similar or oftentimes identical (same create , even) at Wal-Mart.   So I dubiety the upper-class customers of Wal-Mart are going to flock dorsum to Whole Foods , together with the poorer customers only cannot afford to exercise so.

But similar the Ford struggle , you lot lead maintain to aspect at the numbers.  Ford sells to a greater extent than cars inwards a calendar week than Tesla does inwards a year.   And Wal-Mart is , good , huge.  How huge?  Well , let's aspect at the numbers:


Number of Stores: 4 ,177 inwards USA (not including Sam's Club)
Number of Distribution Centers: 52
Number of Employees:  1.4 meg (US) 2.1 Million (worldwide)
Revenue:   US$485.87 billion (2016)
Operating income:  US$22.76 billion (2016)
Net income:  US$13.64 billion (2016)
Amazon/Whole Foods:

Number of Stores: 431 (Whole Foods)
Number of Distribution Centers: 96 (Amazon)
Number of Employees:  341 ,000
Revenue:  US$135.99 billion (2016)
Operating income:  US$47.70 billion (2016)
Net income:  US$ 2.37 billion (2016)

There is i 600-lb gorilla inwards this motion painting , and it ain't Amazon.  One of these companies has its ain fleet of trucks , together with no , it ain't Amazon.  Note that Wal-Mart has nearly six times equally much income from almost 3.5 times equally much sales.   Someone is a lot to a greater extent than efficient - at a much to a greater extent than hard business!

What nosotros lead maintain hither are 2 companies trying to acquire into each other's space.   Wal-Mart has been trying to suspension into online sales , alongside express success.  Only $12.5 Billion inwards online sales final yr , according to Fortune magazine.   This makes Wal-Mart the second largest online retailer inwards the US , behind entirely Amazon.   So spell $12.5 Billion doesn't audio similar a lot , it is non a bad endeavour for a society that has entirely late gotten into this infinite together with hasn't actually hyped or promoted its online service equally an alternative to Amazon.   And granted , alongside the prejudice some people lead maintain against Wal-Mart (myself included , inwards terms of online sales) it may accept fourth dimension for Wal-Mart to ramp upwards sales.

But getting into online sales , when you lot already lead maintain warehouses together with a distribution network is a lot easier to exercise than to acquire into brick together with mortar when all you lot lead maintain is online sales.  And Amazon has a much harder chore , equally they volition lead maintain to larn the painful ins together with outs of retail , where margins are razor-thin together with the overhead tin kill you.   You also lead maintain to larn how to bargain alongside massive numbers of employees , each to a greater extent than than willing to slander the nurture of your society either past times existence a pitiable worker , or past times stealing , getting fired , together with and hence blaming you.   Amazon has already had its percentage of labor strife.   Wal-Mart is skillful at it - together with skillful inwards crushing matrimony activities at its stores.

Do you lot shout back Amazon has the working capital alphabetic lineament to opened upwards 4 ,000 stores inwards the United States?   I am doubting it.  

The method Amazon has chosen to move into the retail marketplace - if indeed that is their motive - is odd.  To alternative i of the most upscale , customer-losing grocery chain , at the start of a recession , seems similar an strange pick.  Unless they tin re-brand Whole Foods equally a lower-cost Wegman's together with non Balducci's (without the talent) , they are non going to exercise really good alongside this hybridization.  In fact , I suspect it could convey Amazon downward inwards the long run.

Think almost it.   First of all , odds are at that topographic point is no whole foods nigh where you lot live , but a Wal-Mart within 20 minutes of your household (there are iii , including a Sam's Club , inwards our tiny town).  Second , fifty-fifty if at that topographic point was a Whole Foods nigh your town , are you lot almost to start shopping at that topographic point because Amazon bought them?  Hell , no.  You are either a Whole Foods shopper or you lot are smart.   And since Whole Foods stores are non large plenty , they cannot hold out morphed into the "big box" type stores that Wal-Mart benefits from.   You acquire to Wal-Mart for groceries , you lot acquire out alongside a novel automobile battery , a hunting rifle , a yoke of jeans , together with a novel TV.

This is , of course of study , assuming that Amazon intends to follow Wal-Mart's Pb together with operate their network of stores to leverage their online business.  "Ship to store" makes feel if you lot are going to the store anyway together with you acquire a discount.   Wal-Mart is fifty-fifty experimenting alongside employees delivering packages on their agency domicile from work.  They lead maintain a huge infrastructure at their fingertips.

Meanwhile , the idiotic fiscal press touts headlines similar , "Whole Foods volition at nowadays deliver organic kale to your household past times drone!"  - perpetuating the myth that Amazon is using drones to deliver its packages on a regular basis , when inwards reality , the UPS homo is who is dropping the boxes past times your door (and letting the neighbors pocket them - youtube it.  Another argue for "ship to store").

It is clear that Wal-Mart is the heavy hitter hither , non Amazon.   Wal-Mart tin acquire into online sales alongside footling risk of working capital alphabetic lineament , together with operate a lot of its existing infrastructure.  Amazon , on the other mitt , has a Herculean project ahead of it - trying to construct a nationwide retail presence inwards the nutrient describe of piece of job organisation , almost which it knows cypher about.   And its oddball acquisition of Whole Foods doesn't seem similar it would assistance them much , but rather drag them down.  Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 to a greater extent than mainstream retailer similar Publix , Wegmans , or Kroger , would create to a greater extent than sense.

But that's the rub.  It is a cut-throat describe of piece of job organisation these days , together with equally a final result , buying a grocery chain isn't piece of cake or cheap.  Running i fifty-fifty harder , especially equally to a greater extent than together with to a greater extent than people clamor to acquire into the business.

And equally for Amazon's vaunted "expertise" inwards online retailing?   I run into cracks inwards the facade.  I ordered a mulching machine together with they delivered a toilet.   They told me to continue the toilet.  I ordered iii kinds of LED bulbs , they sent me four.  I provide i that cost $12 , they credit me the $12 , but recognize the provide equally some other bulb together with credit me an additional $50.   Now they claim I never returned the other bulb together with threaten to accuse me $19 for it (!?!).  They create a lot of mistakes inwards ordering together with their back-room seems disorganized equally well.   High overhead (or conversely , depression profits for shareholders) hateful that no i expects them to create much of a profit.  So they don't.

The existent floor is inwards the numbers.   You run into i "old line" store that is making decent coin , has a reasonable P/E ratio together with fifty-fifty pays a decent dividend inwards this twenty-four hours together with age.
Wal-Mart Stores Inc
NYSE: WMT - Jun sixteen , 7:58 PM EDT
Open:  73.95
High: 75.50
Low: 73.29
Mkt cap: 225.27B
P/E ratio: 17.08
Div yield: 2.71%
Then at that topographic point is Amazon , highly hyped , clearly over-inflated inwards value alongside a P/E ratio almost 10 times higher than it should be.  Can you lot hold back 185 years to acquire your coin dorsum (or tin your great-great grandchildren hold back that long?).   Or exercise you lot seriously believe that they tin increase their turn a profit margins past times a constituent of 10 inwards the adjacent few years? , Inc.
NASDAQ: AMZN - Jun sixteen , 7:58 PM EDT
Open: 996.00
High:  999.75
Low:  982.00
Mkt cap:  466.15B
P/E ratio: 185.06
Div yield:   nuthin'
Don't acquire me incorrect , Amazon is a fun house to social club shit , hence long equally they don't ship you lot a john instead of a mulcher.   I am finding that eBay is a amend site for ordering materials directly from China.  For representative , an LED string lite laid is $12 on eBay spell the same item is $29 on Amazon.  Both lead maintain gratis transportation , alongside eBay you lot may lead maintain to hold back for China Post , though.  The barriers to entry inwards online sales are far lower than the barriers to entry inwards brick-and-mortar sales.   And therein lies the difference.

Amazon , equally a "tech" society (really?  Selling shit on the Internet is "tech"?) tin acquire away alongside reporting footling profits together with paying no dividends.    Wal-Mart , equally a traditional retailer , is expected to create coin together with pay shareholders back.   Its online sales lead maintain to follow the same blueprint equally good - they lead maintain to create coin for the society together with shareholders , or it doesn't create sense.

The affair is , eventually Amazon has to create coin , too.   You can't rest inwards describe of piece of job organisation forever alongside a P/E ratio inwards the hundreds.   Eventually shareholders desire to run into a provide on their investment.  And non inwards 185 years , either.

The fiscal press never reports this together with never sees it.  All they run into is skyrocketing percentage prices together with exciting "tech" companies that generate headlines together with clicks , when you lot write articles almost them.   No i clicks on an article almost an old-line society , unless you lot are reporting its demise.  The CEO of Sears was partially correct almost that - the epitaph of his society has been written for nearly a half-decade hence far.   But what is killing Sears isn't Amazon.   It's Wal-Mart.

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