Faux Finishes

Agustus 04, 2017

An artisan applying a faux woodgrain to a door at George Washington's Mt. Vernon.   Washington could afford existent woods doors , but preferred a faux complete every bit it was considered to a greater extent than upscale - every bit were the bright-colored walls.

This July quaternary weekend nosotros retrieve a lot most the Founding Fathers together with the Revolution.  And of course of teaching 1 primary founding manful mortal parent together with our origin President was George Washington.   If you lot always learn a run a peril to become to Washington DC , I wouldn't pass every bit good much fourth dimension at the Mall or the Smithsonian , every bit it gets rather crowded at this fourth dimension of yr , together with ungodly hot.  Rather , conduct maintain a drive downward the George Washington Parkway along the Potomac it's a rather peaceful drive together with it ends at George Washington's solid , Mount Vernon.  And if you lot are genuinely inwards the mood , drive farther downward to Mason Neck , to the abode of George Mason - Gunston Hall.

Being raised inwards a Sears household unit of measurement , nosotros tended to believe that colonial homes were all painted white , amongst Sears solid pigment of course of teaching , together with the interiors were really stark together with obviously together with white. Thus , it was somewhat of a stupor to see Mount Vernon for the origin fourth dimension together with come across precisely how tacky our forefathers were.  Back so colors were really hard together with expensive to obtain , so if you lot could afford colored pigment you lot were wealthy.  And the brighter together with louder the color , the to a greater extent than expensive it was.  So if you lot wanted to demo off your wealth , you lot painted the within of your solid a rainbow of hues.  And George Washington's solid is no exception , having rooms that are brilliant light-green or robin's egg blue.  It is interesting how our perception of condition is based on the cost of things together with how nosotros volition cherish expensive things fifty-fifty if after on inwards life nosotros determine they are ugly. This explains how Cadillac sell so many Escalades.

But the funniest affair most George Washington's solid , Mount Vernon , is how much of it is fake.  If you lot saw the exterior of the solid you lot would retrieve it was made of rock together with you'd live wrong. It's genuinely a wooden construction amongst exterior siding chiseled into the shape of rock blocks to hand the appearance of permanent rock , when inwards fact it is wood.

 It looks similar rock or brick , but surprise , it ain't.  It's wood.

Our forefathers wanted to seat on the appearance of wealth , fifty-fifty if they didn't necessarily conduct maintain it. And if you lot understood George Washington's finances you'd empathize why he went for mistaken rock rather than the existent thing.  Today , he in all likelihood would become for foam together with dry-vit.

What's fifty-fifty to a greater extent than amusing is on the within of the solid , all of the doors , woodwork , together with woods cut are painted to look similar wood fifty-fifty though they are wood.  They hired expensive decorators who used an final result known every bit trompe l'oeil where they would pigment the door brownish together with so apply dark pigment amongst a plumage or exceptional pigment brush to arrive hold back similar woods grain.  This seems ironic to us today , every bit the woods doors were inwards fact made of wood together with today nosotros would just sand them downward together with varnish them amongst urethane together with expose the existent woods grain.

But the means of the fourth dimension was that fake woods was amend than existent wood , because it showed that you lot could afford to hire a fancy French trompe l'oeil painter to pigment mistaken woods on your cut together with doors.  In fact , years after nosotros visited a abode inwards Savannah where the butler's pantry was only done over inwards this final result , which undoubtedly cost an enormous total of money.  The owners of that era were quite proud of so much mistaken woods inwards their house.

But that was when mistaken woods was expensive , thence it was cherished every bit a condition symbol.  By the 1940s together with 1950s , plastic mistaken woods became really pop , together with inwards the 1960s a stuff known every bit DI-NOC was used to seat mistaken woods on the sides of station wagons.  Lumber companies sold cheesy mistaken woods paneling that was really inexpensive.  It looked mistaken , but no to a greater extent than mistaken than the doors together with cut at Mount Vernon.  However since it was inexpensive , together with we all knew that it was cheap , it had no condition whatsoever.  It is interesting to me the condition is based on how much things cost non on how they appear.

The top-of-the-line Ford railroad vehicle inwards 1970 was the Country Squire amongst DI-NOC mistaken wood.  If you lot didn't conduct maintain mistaken woods on your railroad vehicle , people would retrieve you lot were misfortunate or something.

H5N1 reader writes that shower enclosures together with other bath together with kitchen fixtures are beingness made out of a novel form of plastic stuff that looks just similar marble.  It's a lot lighter weight together with easier to install together with tin live molded inwards a reveal of shapes . However , it volition never conduct maintain the same cachet every bit marble , every bit it is much less expensive.  People don't purchase marble or granite countertops for the looks or the practicality , they purchase them to demo that they spent the coin on these items.  It is condition obviously together with simple.

Marble , Cultured Marble , or Plastic?   Hard to nation these days.
Sometimes mistaken things are actually amend than existent things , fifty-fifty if they don't bring status.   Vinyl replacement windows may live tacky , purchase they operate far amend than "real" woods windows together with never demand whatsoever maintenance.    H5N1 one-piece plastic shower enclosure is far less probable to leak than a tile or marble environs , but doesn't bring status.   What is interesting most condition is that we exercise ape status past times making mistaken versions of it , fifty-fifty when it makes no sense.   Fake carbon fiber is a example inwards point.

Generally speaking , mistaken things are non every bit valued every bit much every bit existent things , only because the mistaken things are less expensive together with thus do non bring status.  There are exceptions to this dominion such every bit full general Washington's trompe l'oeil mistaken woods doors inwards his solid , which cost to a greater extent than than varnished existent woods doors - at the time.

When I was growing upwardly , mistaken jewelry such every bit costume jewelry or so-called glue diamonds were looked downward upon every bit beingness cheesy - only something that lower course of teaching people would endeavor to learn away amongst wearing.  You either paid coin for the existent affair or you lot didn't apparel anything at all.  However this is this is changed inwards recent years.  We used to hold back downward our noses at things similar rhinestones together with other types of drinking glass crystals , but today we've assigned a condition to them together with called them Swarovski Crystals together with similar a shot they conduct maintain moved upmarket . Of course of teaching inwards society to exercise this , they basically just raised the prices so that people realize you lot spent a lot of coin on something.

Status isn't status unless it conveys wealth together with power.   Granted , every bit I've noticed that opposite forms of condition together with other forms of condition such every bit belligerence together with meanness together with toughness which the lower classes purpose every bit they cannot obtain other forms of status.   But fifty-fifty amidst the lower classes , condition is based on how much you lot spent (or went into debt for) that tattoo , loud motorbike , penis boat , jet ski , or monster pickup truck.

In curt , you lot can't conduct maintain condition without the money.  It reminds me of a fourth dimension nosotros were at the golf game course of teaching together with a guy came upwardly together with said to Mark , "Is that a Breitling watch?" which gave us both a express joy , every bit it was a $15 spotter from Wal-Mart , non a $5000 Swiss movement slice of arm candy.   But it illustrated how condition tin also live confusing.   Minne Pearl had it correct - learn out the cost tag on , otherwise the plebes won't know what you lot spent , together with if they don't know what you lot spent , how tin you lot conduct maintain status?

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