Hanging Out With Old People (And Why Young People Don't Like It).

Agustus 04, 2017

Why does hanging out with sometime people seem such a drag?

When I was immature , the thought of going to hang out at Grandma's identify was almost painful.  Yea , I know , inward the movies , they demo the kids all chomping at the flake to travel see Grandma in addition to Grandpa.   But the reality is , of course of report , Grandma in addition to Grandpa's identify was boring.   All they did was sit down roughly in addition to talk , beak , talk.   No games to play , in addition to nix to sentinel on TeeVee except The Lawrence Welk Show.

Today , it is fifty-fifty worse.  Grandma in addition to Grandpa don't fifty-fifty cause got a Playstation , in addition to all Grandpa does is holler at Fox News on the TeeVee.

But when you lot alive with the sometime inward their natural surround , in addition to acquire to report them up-close , you lot run across some interesting things that you lot ignored inward the haste of childhood.   You realize things close life you lot had previously missed.   You realize life is pretty finite.   And you lot also realize that those "young people" inward their 30's are close in the prime number of their lives in addition to that life does follow a flake of a flush arc , at to the lowest degree inward price of your mortality.

Yes , the "story arc" of life every bit they instruct you lot inward schoolhouse is bullshit every bit I cause got noted before.   According to your guidance counselor , you lot got skillful grades inward High School , aced the SATs , hence got into a skillful college in addition to hence landed that initiatory off job.   You hence climbed the corporate ladder , increasing your condition in addition to salary with every step.  You bought a bigger identify , a nicer auto (from Chevy , to Pontiac , to Oldsmobile , to Buick , in addition to possibly someday to Cadillac!) in addition to your life got improve in addition to improve until i twenty-four hr menses you lot retired in addition to went off to play golf game inward Florida.   The End. 

Oh , in addition to if you lot fucked whatever of it upwards along the agency , good , too bad , you lot halt upwards every bit a bum on sideslip row.

Well , it doesn't quite operate that way.  There are instant acts inward American lives.  Life lurches in addition to chugs along , in addition to fifty-fifty if your life isn't a "story arc" it does cause got a outset , a middle , in addition to an end.  And that's OK.   When you lot read someone's biography , whether it is a famous politico , scientist , instrumentalist , or whatever , at that topographic point is ever this pattern.   Things travel good until you lot acquire close 3/4th the agency through the majority , when a lot of bad shit starts to orbit off , unremarkably afterwards a see to a doctor.   People human activity all amazed similar this never happened to anyone ever before , but every unmarried damn one of these biographies pretty much ends the same way.   "He was put to balance at his hometown cemetery on....."   The End.

What you lot realize , looking dorsum , is that those golden years - the belatedly 20's to early 50's - were your prime number productive years inward your life.  The slip past times hence chop-chop - possibly thirty years of your life - in addition to they should non endure squandered.   And I gauge that is why it is such a tragedy when you lot listen close kids (and I hateful kids) inward their 30's living with or off their parents , waiting for life to start , when inward fact , it is nearly halfway over.

Mark was fortunate to endure raised inward a retirement home.   He learned early to savour Lawrence Welk , in addition to to psyche to sometime folks in addition to listen what they cause got to say.   He also learned early that this political party doesn't travel on forever , in addition to inward fact , those terminal chapters are best if you lot could just avoid them entirely.

This was a constructive lesson for him to larn at an early age.  Most of us endeavour to avoid such lessons , beingness bored in addition to fidgeting when forced to see older relatives - if inward fact they are non shunted off to "retirement communities" in addition to seen only in i lawsuit or twice a year.

I am non proverb you lot take away to hang out with oldsters , only that you lot can't allow the fourth dimension slip away without living life.  I expect dorsum directly in addition to wonder how I had the chutzpah to travel to police schoolhouse in addition to start my ain exercise (only 2 years afterwards graduation) in addition to travel along to exercise for nearly thirty years.   I wonder , but hence over again , I realize , when you lot are thirty , you lot retrieve you lot tin conquer the world - or at to the lowest degree you lot should experience that way.  It is a feeling that goes away over time.

We read close the "boy geniuses" who started such-and-such a tech fellowship in addition to are inward awe that they are hence successful when hence young.  But if you lot retrieve close it , of course of report this is true.   Who the hell starts upwards a tech fellowship at historic menses 60?   Very damn few people , that's for sure.   No , it is the younger generation that takes the helm , in addition to that is how it should be.

It is funny , but fifty-fifty when I was that historic menses , I felt that "older people" ran things inward life.   But of course of report , that was an mental attitude carried over from my teenage years , when I viewed people inward i of iii categories , "kids" aged 0-22 , "adults" aged 22-60 , in addition to "old people" threescore in addition to above.   Youth doesn't discriminate betwixt a thirty yr sometime in addition to a 50 yr sometime , fifty-fifty if Father Time does.   So nosotros tend to run across "adults" inward the workplace in addition to non distinguish them inward price of historic menses , until they travel actually sometime , inward which representative nosotros give them a gold-watch in addition to a sendoff.

I am non certain where this is going , other than I only watched a biography of Charles Bronson on YouTube , in addition to it struck me how all these biographies read close the same.   Young guy sets out , does good , has some tragedy inward his life , in addition to hence dies.   Bing , Bang , Boom.

I gauge I am content with what I did with my life.   Kinda disappointed that I squandered my youth with drugs in addition to diversions , but hence over again , I would endure a unlike somebody today if I had done other things.   Maybe improve , possibly worse , who knows?   You can't unbark the dog.  But if you lot tin endure content , when all is said in addition to done , good , you're pretty damn lucky.

If you're lucky , you'll expect dorsum in addition to nation , "I don't take away whatever more."

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