News Personalities

Agustus 06, 2017

When did the intelligence driblet dead to a greater extent than almost the somebody reading it than the intelligence itself?  Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 long , long fourth dimension ago!

Fox News announced it is retiring its "Fair in addition to Balanced" Trademark - the terminal cynical legacy of the Rodger Ailes days (other than the Fox News employee sexual harassment policy).  Their Trademark Registration is soundless active , nonetheless , in addition to it is illuminating to read it:

Word Mark

Goods in addition to Services IC 041. US 100 101 107. G & S: entertainment services inward the nature of production in addition to distribution of boob tube intelligence programs. FIRST USE: 19961007. FIRST USE IN COMMERCE: 19961007
Mark Drawing Code (1) TYPED DRAWING
Serial Number 75280027
Filing Date April 23 , 1997
Current Basis 1A
Original Filing Basis 1B
Published for Opposition March three , 1998
Registration Number 2213427
Registration Date December 22 , 1998
Owner (REGISTRANT) Fox News Network , LLC CORPORATION DELAWARE 1211 Avenue of the Americas New York NEW YORK 10036
Affidavit Text SECT 15. SECT 8 (6-YR). SECTION 8(10-YR) 20080823.
Renewal 1ST RENEWAL 20080823
Live/Dead Indicator LIVE

According to the Patent & Trademark Office , the "goods in addition to services" for intelligence programs is considered an entertainment service.  I am non taking a piss on Fox News , equally the same holds truthful for other intelligence organizations in addition to boob tube stations.   The News is non a fact-based reporting service similar an encyclopedia or a lexicon or other reference majority , it is an entertainment designed to amuse or horrify yous , exactly similar a comedy or horror film.   Or perchance to exactly acquire yous outraged.  If it was a majority , it would last categorized equally fiction non non-fiction.

Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 lot of people retrieve otherwise.  They retrieve the "news" is exactly about form of public service in addition to a agency of communicating factual information to "keep people informed".    But of course of study , these days , it is anything but , equally hyper-partisan intelligence sites in addition to channels (and papers) pitch yous only i side of whatever story.  And other sites distort the intelligence or accept things out of context to introduce an utterly warped sentiment of reality.   This of course of study , atomic number 82 to the creation of fake news - which is exactly stories that are made up , oftentimes for political purposes or exactly to generate click-through revenue.

But when did the personality delivering the news driblet dead to a greater extent than of import than the intelligence itself?    Alex Jones , host of the imitation intelligence site Infowars (which blends intelligence , distortion , conspiracy theories in addition to exactly made-up shit) argued inward his divorce proceedings that his on-air persona was exactly a "character" he played.  Seems his married adult woman wanted to exercise his bizarre rantings equally proof he was an unfit parent in addition to non entitled to custody of his children.

In a way , his admission is similar the Trademark Registration of Fox News - an admission that it is all fluff in addition to nonsense - for amusement purposes only - oddly plenty , the same disclaimer that many "fake news" in addition to parody sites forthwith append to the bottom of their pages.   Don't accept this shit seriously , folks , it's exactly for funsies.   And that is belike skilful advice.

But when did the newscaster driblet dead to a greater extent than of import than the news itself?   It turns out , it goes dorsum , a long , long way.    During World War II , Broad-casting created the modern celebrity - somene who could last lauded in addition to admired past times millions.  And people inward the intelligence concern , similar anyone else on radio (and afterwards television) became celebrities , too.

And piece nosotros didn't get got Infowars or Sean Hannity dorsum in addition to then , nosotros did get got odious broadcasters in addition to columnists who dredged the underside of humanity for ratings.  Gossip-monger Walter Winchell could destroy a career alongside a unmarried broadcast or column.   The same was truthful for Louella Parsons.  But their milieu was the bitchy basis of Hollywood Gossip , non necessarily the rough-and-tumble basis of politics.

During the 1950's in addition to 1960's , to a greater extent than intelligence personalities emerged.   "Uncle" Walter Cronkite , oftentimes called "the world's most trusted man" took us through wars , assassinations , in addition to the Luna landing , his vocalization a calming reassurance that all would last good inward the end.   Dan Rather , on the other mitt , gave off a vibe of paranoia that kept all of America on edge.  With i raised eyebrow , he could alter the entire musical note of a story.   What's the frequency , Kenneth?  Courage.

Broadcast News became a large money-maker for the networks , in addition to most networks speedily absorbed this "public service" nether the umbrella of their amusement divisions.  The intelligence was exactly about other demo , exactly similar Laverne in addition to Shirley , dependent area to re-writes , cast changes , in addition to fifty-fifty cancellation.  More intelligence programs in addition to fifty-fifty intelligence channels came on the air.  America's appetite for its favorite province of affairs comedy-tragedy was insatiable.   And novel intelligence stars emerged equally good - in addition to proceed to practise so.

Today , who is reporting the news seems to last far to a greater extent than of import than the intelligence itself.   Whether yous acquire your intelligence (and views) from Rachel Maddow or Sean Hannity colors your worldview.  The intelligence is no longer factual in addition to value-neutral , but in addition to then i time to a greater extent than , maybe it never was.  Even an anonymous vocalization reading re-create on the radio has to read re-create that someone wrote , in addition to that someone has their ain experiences in addition to biases they convey to the table.

Today , nonetheless , it is to a greater extent than almost the personality than the product.   Bias in addition to partisanship are exactly assumed equally background noise.   It is the rock-star celebrity nature of the somebody delivering this dreck that is deemed of import , to both the networks in addition to the viewers.  People decry the firing (or interruption or whatever) of Bill O'Reilley , as if no i else could deliver his shape of diatribe on the intelligence exactly equally effectively.   And they paid him millions to practise this.   I'll say yous what , Fox News , I'll practise the same form of rant for half the price.   And no , yous don't get got to believe inward the dribble yous are putting out inward club to play these roles.  Alex Jones wasn't kidding - it's all an act.   And the to a greater extent than extreme yous are , the to a greater extent than pop yous acquire in addition to the to a greater extent than coin yous make.  Just maintain your mitts off the interns , in addition to it is a skilful money-making deal.

Some shows fifty-fifty abandon the pretense of existence intelligence shows at all.   The Daily Show in addition to its 5 or half dozen spin-offs , equally good equally all the "late night" shows , offering political commentary in addition to funny bits based on the intelligence , ordinarily alongside a liberal bent.   Many people acquire their intelligence from these comedy programs these days , rather than from conventional intelligence sources.    And this should scare yous equally much equally Fox News does.

Of course of study , I am getting this all second-hand or third-hand these days , equally I stopped watching cable boob tube over a decade ago.   Occasionally , I encounter snippets of this crap on YouTube or inward a bar or eating theatre somewhere (you cannot escape boob tube solely inward the United States!).  One way to unplug yourself from this indoctrination to far-Left in addition to far-Right politics is to simply non sentry it.   Yet many people practise - most inward fact - 4 or 5 hours a day.   They sentry boob tube in addition to don't bother to retrieve almost the fact that someone else is filling your caput alongside their ideas.   Television is non a house where yous larn to retrieve for yourself.

Sadly , neither is the Internet.   As I illustrated inward my knitting experiment , it doesn't accept much to alter your "feed" to all of i topic.   Once yous click on "inforwars" all yous volition acquire is to a greater extent than in addition to to a greater extent than conspiracy theory crap , until i 24-hour interval yous wake upwards inward a jail jail mobile telephone inward DC after having shot upwards a pizza joint.   Or , if yous pass all your fourth dimension on left-wing conspiracy sites , yous volition terminate upwards dead after having shot upwards a baseball game game.   Same shit , dissimilar day.   The hate-filled obsession that exactly about folks get got almost Trump is no different that the hate-filled obsession exactly about had almost Obama - or Bush , or Clinton , or Reagan.

Again , externalizing raises its ugly head.   Never heed that you've given upwards on your only origin of income in addition to are living out of a van inward exactly about other State - having abandoned your married adult woman in addition to family.   Don't bother truly trying to figure out where your life went incorrect in addition to create that.  Rather , yous should blame all your woes on i political political party , or exactly about vague undefined grouping similar "Wall Street" or "The 1%'ers".    As yous tin encounter , this is a loser's game.  Not only volition it not create your personal life , yous may terminate upwards inward jail or dead equally a result.

Don't obsess almost the intelligence or politics.   Obsess almost non living inward a van.   Obsess almost getting a chore , going to work.   Obsess almost spending less in addition to saving money.  Obsess almost what yous tin practise inward your personal life , today , to brand your life better.   Worry less almost the "larger issues" - they volition accept tending of themselves inward due course.

Will it work?  Oh , I guarantee it.   When I started this weblog , I was non paying much attending to my personal fiscal life , other than to retrieve almost which slice of eye-candy I could purchase this month.   I treated coin carelessly , fifty-fifty equally a large amount of it passed through my hands.   I was making large coin - in addition to keeping picayune of it.

Today , I brand hardly anything at all , but am far ameliorate off than before.   Why?  I stopped worrying almost things I had no command over in addition to started thinking almost the things I did get got command over.

Seems similar a uncomplicated affair , but in that place yous get got it.  The "news" in addition to who is reporting it , truly is irrelevant.

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