Should You Hold Physical Stock Certificates? (DRiP Investing)

Agustus 02, 2017

Holding physical stock certificates is non necessarily safer or to a greater extent than convenient than having them inward "book" form.

I mentioned earlier that "back inward the day" my Mother used to purchase stocks as well as croak on the certificates inward her safe deposit box , as well as reinvest the dividends.  She told me ii things , which were amidst the plethora of things that she told me that I institute out were dead incorrect , or at the really to the lowest degree , sadly outdated , as well as that was to concord physical stock certificates as well as reinvest dividends.

Are these bad ideas?   Maybe inward her solar daytime they made sense.  Today , less so or non at all.

As I noted inward an early on posting , 1 way I got started investing was yesteryear subscribing to The Money Paper.  Back as well as then , nosotros didn't have got your fancy-schamcy Internets to exercise concern on.  So you lot got this physical paper inward the post service , as well as 1 affair they allowed you lot to exercise was purchase one portion of stock inward a select listing of companies that allow for shareholder investment.  They charged I remember , a apartment fee service accuse to purchase this 1 portion , which you lot received inward the mail.   I would frame these as well as position them roughly my domicile portion - it was a adept way of encouraging myself inward the investment process.   Kind of impressive , also - let's confront it , nosotros all assay status!

But what this allowed you lot to exercise was DRiP investing - the Dividend Reinvestment Plan - that many companies offering to their shareholders.   Once you lot ain that one share of stock , you lot tin shipping away as well as then purchase additional shares for a nominal service charge.   You tin shipping away laid it upwards so every calendar month you lot automatically purchase $50 or $100 of ACME stock , as well as they would accuse you lot a $1 service fee.   And dividends would hold upwards automatically re-invested over time.

Now acquit inward withdraw heed this was years earlier E*Trade as well as Ameritrade as well as low-fee or no-fee investing.   Back inward the bad former days , you lot had to teach to a licensed broker as well as pay similar $30 a merchandise or more!   And I am non talking close 1930 , but 1990.   Times have got changed - rather rapidly.

Now , non all companies exercise DRiP investing , as well as some require you lot ain to a greater extent than than 1 portion to hold upwards a DRiP investor , for illustration 50 or fifty-fifty 100 shares.   The companies that exercise DRiP investing tend to hold upwards former employment blue-chip dividend paying companies , non your stupid dumb-ass IPO tech nonsense that the media says volition brand you lot rich (but does the contrary , of course).   This is non a vehicle to speculate inward stocks or jeopardy inward the market - it is a agency for small-scale investors to construct upwards a stock portfolio over time.

As I have got noted inward other postings , 1 employment for the small-scale investor - the 20-something starting out amongst nada inward the banking concern - is that an "investment advisor" volition country , "Well , I tin shipping away laid you lot upwards amongst a usual fund , if you lot have got close $5000 to start with!"   But of course of written report , when nosotros are inward our 20's nosotros don't have got $5000 lying roughly - or at to the lowest degree I known I didn't.

So , for illustration , I started out putting $100 a calendar month into Stanley Tool Stock (Now Stanley Black & Decker).   It has been a pretty stable companionship over the years , cranking out dividends similar clockwork as well as gradually increasing inward cost over time.   And the halt of the yr , I had $1200 invested , as well as perchance $1500 inward stock , amongst dividend reinvestment as well as gains inward stock price.   The side yesteryear side yr , I added some other stock , such every bit AT&T or whatever - some other bluish chip , former employment dividend payer.   By the halt of the side yesteryear side yr , I had over $3000 inward stocks.

What this allowed me to exercise was adapt my spending inward lodge to invest.  The large error I regard people brand (and I did it myself , once) is to sign upwards for the maximum 401(k) resources allotment , or brand some large splashy investment , without figuring out where the coin is coming from first.   Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 hundred dollars a calendar month isn't going to materialize out of sparse air , only because you lot decided to "invest".   You have got to accept that coin from somewhere else inward your budget.   Cut the cable nib , or perchance fewer of those $29 solid unit of measurement meals from Chik-Fil-A.   Saving coin is a lot to a greater extent than fun when the sacrifices you lot brand are straight connected to doing something adept for yourself.

If you lot don't figure out where the coin is coming from , good , you lot tin shipping away halt upwards inward deep trouble.   You'll start using credit cards to brand ends run across , as well as good , nosotros know where that ends upwards - your ain personal credit bill of fare crises.   Going into debt piece investing is idiotic.

Getting dorsum to stocks , over the years , companies have got moved their DRiP programs online as well as farmed them out to companies similar Computershare.   Computershare operates these DRiP programs as well as also allows you lot to purchase stocks through their website.   You tin shipping away fix an concern human relationship as well as have got coin debited from your checking concern human relationship as well as used to purchase shares periodically.  There are small-scale fees for this , of course of written report , but oftentimes far less than other online platforms.

Yes , I teach costless trades amongst Merrill Edge , but you lot have got to have got a minimum residuum of $100 ,000 or so , as well as similar I said , I didn't have got that when I started out at zero.

So today , the demand to have got physical shares inward your possession is unnecessary , fifty-fifty for DRiP investors.   And I institute out the difficult way , it tin shipping away hold upwards a hurting inward the donkey every bit well.   I had seventy shares of Stanley stock inward my portion as well as somehow it got lost when nosotros moved.   This is non a adept thing.   Of course of written report , you lot tin shipping away teach your shares dorsum , yesteryear signing an affidavit as well as paying a fee - which came to close $150.   It is sort of similar if you lot lost a physical savings bond.   You don't have got to worry close losing your investment , but it tin shipping away hold upwards a hurting inward the donkey to teach it back.

Most stock holdings today are kept inward "book" shape - that is to country on the books of the companionship you lot have got invested in.   So at that topographic point is no demand for physical shares to hold upwards issued as well as for you lot to croak on them.   In fact , I suspect that physical stock shares volition teach the way of the buggy-whip inward due course of written report , if it has non already.   And that would hold upwards also bad , every bit they were oftentimes existent plant of fine art as well as sort of cool to aspect at.

DRiP investing is notwithstanding roughly , as well as piece I would non propose you lot position all your eggs inward this 1 basket (or indeed whatever basket) every bit your 401(k) as well as IRA are oftentimes amend options , it is a adept way to construct upwards an after-tax portfolio which you lot volition demand every bit a buffer against possible downturns inward life (layoffs , unexpected bills , etc.).   It is also a adept way to teach you lot to remember close your portfolio , investing , as well as where your life is going.   When I started DRiP investing , I started tracking my cyberspace worth , as well as that made a huge deviation inward my finances , over time.

Getting dorsum to the instant affair my woman nurture said that was incorrect - should you lot reinvest dividends?   Back inward the solar daytime , this made feel , every bit it was a really low-cost way to purchase shares.  Your dividends were used to purchase shares (or fractional shares) of stock for a nominal fee.   And when you lot are starting out , perchance this is a adept affair exercise to to construct your portfolio.   But 1 time you lot have got a large plenty portfolio to generate hundreds of dollars of dividends a yr (or more) it makes to a greater extent than feel to me , inward this solar daytime as well as historic stream , to accept these every bit cash , inward your trading concern human relationship , as well as when the amount gets large plenty (over $1000) purpose the coin to purchase some other stock - hence diversifying your portfolio.

Again , my Mother's advice was non so much wrong as it was outdated.   If she wanted to diversify her portfolio , the stockbroker fees as well as transaction costs were really , really steep.  It was less costly to reinvest dividends , fifty-fifty if it meant that she had all her eggs inward 1 handbasket , or at the really to the lowest degree , a small-scale number of baskets.   With low-fee or no-fee trading today ,  you lot tin shipping away create your ain "stock fund" amongst dozens of stocks , as well as non a lot invested inward whatever 1 stock.   My stock concern human relationship has to a greater extent than than thirty stocks , as well as no unmarried 1 having a value to a greater extent than than $5000.  One stock crashing isn't going to accept me out.

Today , I notwithstanding have got many of the stocks that I bought piece DRiP investing - but I have got them inward a no-fee merchandise Merrill Edge concern human relationship instead.    The $100 a calendar month I position into diverse shares is straightaway worth over $100 ,000.   And over the years , I have got cashed inward some of those stocks when I needed coin for diverse reasons.   Financially , I came out ahead (as opposed to , country , putting $100 a calendar month into cable TV) as well as psychologically every bit well.   When you lot have got coin inward the banking concern , it helps amongst your mental wellness as well as well-being , that goes without saying.

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