Tenant Rental Scams

Agustus 02, 2017
Do landlords intentionally scam their tenants?  Not frequently , but others volition attempt to scam yous every bit a prospective tenant.

H5N1 reader writes:
In your article tenant 101 , yous receive got mentioned scams committed yesteryear tenants.
I am inwards the sentinel for a novel identify to remain every bit a tenant , tin yous tell me around of the scams committed yesteryear landlords?
This is an interesting question.  Scam artists normally thrive because they receive got no assets to attach , no fixed address , are out of the Earth , or receive got a corporate vanquish they cover behind.   You can't scam people really effectively if yous receive got attachable assets , a concern reputation to protect , in addition to a scream in addition to address locally.   Of course of educational activity , this doesn't halt a lot of people from trying.  Car dealers routinely rip-off people alongside the "put the tags on it this night in addition to negotiate tomorrow" scam - or at to the lowest degree they used to.   And yep , around landlords scam tenants simply yesteryear charging high rents , never doing repairs , in addition to refusing to render safety deposits.   We'll instruct to that later.

The actually unsafe scams are frequently online in addition to non perpetrated yesteryear landlords , but yesteryear people posing every bit landlords.   And normally , but non ever , Craigslist in addition to Western Union or prepaid debit cards are involved.

The classic Craigslist landlord scam is a posting for an storey or draw of piece of work solid for rent , or a opor-garai rental.  The listing looks legit in addition to has dainty photos of the identify for rent.   You've been looking high in addition to depression for an storey or opor-garai rental in addition to can't honor anything inwards your cost range!  Suddenly this listing appears in addition to it sounds too-good-to-be-true.   And of course of educational activity it is.  But yous are blinded yesteryear the "deal" in addition to desire hence much to believe that yous instruct roped in.

You response to the advertizement in addition to a twenty-four hours after (again , alongside these cons , yous brand the "Mark" hold off , every bit it builds tension).  The "Landlord" starts the "story" most why the belongings is hence cheap.  They demand to rent inwards a hurry , in addition to they are out of the Earth for a while.   So if yous desire to reserve the belongings , yous demand to ship coin correct away , yesteryear Western Union or Blue Dot prepaid credit card.

He may ship yous official-looking rental documents or leases.  He fifty-fifty mightiness inquire for a credit banking concern fit (and sell your SS set out to others to scam yous later).  It all looks legit.

If yous pay , the fun precisely begins.   For the opor-garai belongings , yous wing out at that topographic point in addition to brand it at the finish , alone to honor that someone is living at that topographic point in addition to no , yous can't stay.   It turns out the "Landlord" is inwards Nigeria , in addition to he precisely scraped around photos of the identify from a Real Estate Listing or VRBO.   You are right away stuck alongside no identify to remain , in addition to no , yous can't instruct your coin back.

In other instances , the "Landlord" knows the belongings is vacant in addition to tells yous to displace inwards , but that since he "lost the key"  you'll receive got to receive got the belongings re-keyed.   The existent owners of the draw of piece of work solid come upwards dwelling from opor-garai in addition to honor yous living inwards their house.   The nightmare is for them , of course of educational activity , every bit they receive got to evict yous , which they volition do.

The mistaken "Landlord" may fifty-fifty present upwards at the belongings to present it to yous - after he has broken inwards in addition to changed the locks.  He collects a safety deposit in addition to showtime month's rent - in addition to it is such a bargain yous overlook the fact he was insisting on cash.   He leaves in addition to the existent owners come upwards dorsum a calendar month later.   This is especially truthful inwards areas alongside opor-garai homes which are occupied seasonally.   The gardener or lawn guy or maid may know the owners are out of town for 2 or 3 months , in addition to they portion this information alongside their cousin who precisely got out of jail.   Hilarity ensues.

For the tenant , these cons are tardily to avoid.   If something sounds likewise proficient to hold upwards truthful , it in all probability is.  People quest for huge payments up-front are frequently cons.   Cash is ever suspect.   You tin banking concern fit quite easily online , if yous are unsure , yesteryear looking upwards the taxation records for that county in addition to seeing who the existent possessor is.   But bottom draw , ads on Craigslist , sadly , are non to hold upwards trusted.   Every hence frequently I instruct on at that topographic point to hold off at materials , in addition to it never ceases to amaze me that inwards every category , at that topographic point are listings for boats , cars , in addition to RVs that don't be , offered at depression , depression , prices , inwards ads that brand no feel whatsoever.   And people maintain sending inwards their money.   Real Estate is precisely around other example.

By the agency , people receive got been snookered inwards SALES of homes this way.   They catch a draw of piece of work solid for sale in addition to the cost is likewise proficient to hold upwards true.  It is "for sale yesteryear owner" in addition to the possessor meets yous inwards forepart of the house.  He writes upwards a contract in addition to asks yous for a large downwards payment - every bit he has around other "prospect" ready to purchase whatever infinitesimal now!   So to avoid losing this "deal" yous paw over thousands of dollars to purchase a draw of piece of work solid he doesn't fifty-fifty own.    Only after on , when yous attempt to closed the bargain create yous honor out his prison theater cellphone telephone set out was a "burner" in addition to he is no where to hold upwards found.   Oh , in addition to yesteryear the agency , six other people idea they bought the same draw of piece of work solid in addition to also gave downwards payments.   The existent possessor , when they present upwards , are non amused or sympathetic.

Again , this is tardily to avoid.  Stop believing inwards something-for-nothing.   Don't write a contract in addition to paw over coin until yous catch proof of ownership (and proof of identification).   Use a closing society or attorney , non around contract signed on a body lid.   Most "good organized faith deposits" are kept alongside the attorney or closing society , non the buyer personally.   Anyone quest for cash is a crook , period.

Those are obvious frauds in addition to cons that are perpetrated yesteryear mistaken owners of properties.   But what most frauds , scams , or cons yesteryear real landlords?

Well , i time again , a existent landlord has attachable assets in addition to tin hold upwards sued.  So they don't outright perpetrate fraud hence much every bit they mightiness precisely rip yous off.   When I was younger , I had a landlord who refused to render a safety deposit , claiming I had non provided sufficient notice when I left (the lease expired , in addition to at that topographic point was no notice provision inwards the lease).   I went to pocket-size claims courtroom , won , in addition to he never paid , in addition to the amount was hence short that I was never able to collect.   Not paying dorsum safety deposits is in all probability the most mutual rip-off.   Particularly if yous left town , they volition assume yous won't bring them to courtroom , in addition to precisely maintain the money.

When inwards incertitude , though , telephone telephone first.  I had a tenant locomote out a belongings in addition to a calendar month went yesteryear in addition to I forgot to ship him his check.  He assumed I was trying to scam him , when I had simply forgot.  If he had precisely called me...   I gave him his deposit dorsum , alongside involvement , of course.

The landlord may , inwards proficient organized faith , believe that your harm may warrant keeping the safety deposit spell yous may believe otherwise.  This may non hold upwards a rip-off hence much every bit divergence of opinion.   I had i tenant who decided to run his barbecue grill side yesteryear side to the vinyl siding.   He also permit his domestic dog urinate all over the house.   Well , he didn't permit the domestic dog create this , it just happened.    We reached an understanding on the safety deposit , after I showed him receipts for the run done.   We were both reasonable most it.   Others , on both sides , are sometimes unreasonable.

Another rip-off are landlords who are slumlords.   Our cleaning lady had an storey where the kitchen from the unit of measurement inwards a higher identify started leaking H2O into hers.   I was appalled to see her in addition to honor the entire ceiling of her kitchen was missing , in addition to a bucket was inwards the kitchen catching drippings from the plumbing above.   And the landlord had no intention of fixing this.   This was inwards a 300-unit storey complex that rented by in addition to large to illegal immigrants (many half dozen to ix to an apartment!).   We went to the rental component division in addition to the bored clerk basically intimated that if nosotros didn't similar it , likewise bad.  And yesteryear the agency , she'd all the INS if nosotros complained or took legal action.   They precisely assumed our cleaning lady was illegal , which she wasn't.

And spell it may seem to hold upwards a "rip-off" around landlords accuse onerous tardily fees in addition to require tenants to pay yesteryear coin gild if their checks bounce.  I lived (briefly) inwards such an storey complex , in addition to they were really strict alongside the tenants , every bit it was a form of shady identify in addition to the tenants needed a lot of discipline.  If yous were tardily alongside the rent , it was a $50 fee in addition to if a banking concern fit bounced , they would no longer bring your checks.

When I was a landlord , I avoided this occupation yesteryear offering a discount for early on payment rather than a "late fee".   Same bargain , actually , but yesteryear offering a discount , I'm the hero , non the villain.   Smart psychology - people similar a "deal" don't they?  And if they pay tardily , the tenant is non beingness "bad" but rather precisely paying the measure amount.   Again , psychology.  I am non the stern taskmaster punishing tenants.   Of course of educational activity , if they were xxx days tardily , hence tardily fees applied in addition to eviction proceedings would start.   I'm a dainty guy , non a patsy.

So around landlords create skirt the edges of the law , peculiarly when they intend they tin instruct away alongside it.  But outright , wholesale fraud?  H5N1 lot harder to create , every bit most US receive got Landlord-tenant laws , in addition to tenants create receive got rights (in around US , extensive rights) in addition to Landlords receive got attachable assets.

As I noted inwards my Tenant 101 posting , landlords are ever looking for proficient tenants.   If yous are a proficient tenant , pay your rent on fourth dimension , in addition to don't movement problem or harm things , you are an property in addition to a resources to your landlord.   If yous are tardily on the rent , movement the police pull to hold upwards called , annoy other tenants , pause things , commons your machine inwards other people's spaces , locomote out your laundry inwards the community dryer for 3 hours in addition to shit similar that , good they precisely assume yous left.

You create receive got a lot of command inwards this province of affairs - to a greater extent than than yous think.   The types of people who curvature my ear most "asshole landlords" frequently receive got around other side of the story they don't desire to tell me.   But when I start quest pointed questions , good , around other side emerges.

As a landlord , yous don't brand coin alongside empty apartments.  In fact , yous instruct broke.  Be a proficient tenant , in addition to yous volition hold upwards inwards high demand.

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